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Note: We want to encourage all Nobles to register in WebFez. It is easy and allows Nobles to check and correct any of their Shrine information online, .  Once you register, you need to occasionally check to ensure the accuracy of your record.    If you need help registering or if you do not have access to a computer, call Brandee in the office and she will be happy to review your file with you over the phone and make any changes necessary.

One last note: The  Al Amin Facebook page is  Any questions about Al Amin Shriners social media should be directed to our webmaster, Barbara Schroeter, at .  You may have noticed that we now have business email addresses for the Divan, office and staff personnel.  Emails are positional with following the title.  A complete listing can be found on our Website.    Should you have something you would like posted on either of our social media sites, send it to the webmaster.