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John J. "Jack" Mc Gowan, CEM
The Mc Gowan Group

Jack Mc Gowan

Jack McGowan is Principal with The McGowan Group, an energy and business consultancy.  He is former CEO and President of Energy Control Inc. (ECI), an OpTerra Energy company.  McGowan is Chairman Emeritus of the U.S. Department of Energy GridWise Architecture Council. He is a Senior Fellow with the Governing Institute working on energy, sustainability and Smart Cities. He is Founding Co-Chair of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology Building to Grid Working Group.  McGowan has been an industry leader in Building Automation and Energy Services, while also working with utilities, government and industry across the U.S. on Demand Response and Smart Grid Projects. The Association of Energy Engineers has named him a Fellow in 2013, admitted him to the “International Energy Managers Hall of Fame” in 2003 and named him “International Energy Professional of the Year” in 1997.  Under his leadership, ECI won a 2008 American Business Award sponsored by Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal as Best Overall Company in the U.S. with less than 100 employees. McGowan is an author with 5 books on Fairmont Press and Prentice Hall and has published over 200 articles.  McGowan is an internationally known energy, buildings and technology expert, and was chosen by his peers as 2006 Visionary at the Builconn Intelligent Buildings event.  He was named Newsmaker of the Year by in 2007.   

Articles & Interviews


  • [an error occurred while processing this directive] Energy and Analytics   Big Data and Building Technology Integration
  • The difference between GridWise and Demand Response?   I like to think of Demand Response as the first business model that is getting traction in the larger world of GridWise.  GridWise is about interoperability on a broad scale including the full spectrum of electricity infrastructure and technology from generation through end use of.
  • On the road with GridWise Everyone seems to want to know what GridWise is about and how it will affect their world.
  • GridWise™ Expo Co-Located with BuilConn? BuilConn participants will learn how the Intelligent Building has morphed into the Intelligent Enterprise and is on the way to the World Wide Grid . GridWise was a topic at BuilConn last year, but it is a strong force this year. Dramatic events and price spikes in the energy world combined with a continuing emphasis on interoperability, and a national focus on business developments in the “Energy Space” make this a must participate event.
  • GridWise™ ...input is needed   I am really trying to connect with the European energy community to identify some speakers that can see the long term benefits of integration and interoperability as tools to improve electricity reliability, but also to save money.
  • Energy@BuilConn BuilConn participants will learn how to position themselves for the opportunity to deliver technology that enables a more effective U.S. Electric System and integrates building consumption on a completely new level.
  • 2004 in Review   It seems inevitable at the beginning of a year to look back and consider last year in review.  What progress was made over the previous months?  In that light I took some time to visit with Jack Mc Gowan recently to get his perspective on significant events in integration and interoperability.
  • On-line Training - The Key to Understanding Internet Digital Control Newsweek Magazine did a feature article two years ago and predicted that 90% of all four year Universities would offer Online course by 2002. By all accounts that prediction is true, and just one example of the demand for this approach is that the University of Phoenix has 130,000 students enrolled in Online coursework!
  • Web-based Training   - April 2002 has completed a thorough analysis of the potential for Web-based training through the site. In this month's Interview, Jack McGowan talks with Ken Sinclair about the growth in this approach to professional development and his new seminar.
  • Selling New Automation Concepts - October 2001 Take the time to analyze and understand customers and what their needs are in your target market. Develop a quality approach to selling systems that meet the customers needs and help them to carry out their business more cost-effectively, while helping them to achieve their goals.
  • Industry Migration towards Information Technology  - June 2001 I believe that professionals in our industry must become experts in information technology and data communications, but the bottom line is temperature control requires expertise in HVAC.  

Online Course

Web-enabled Energy Services - Performance Contracting, Energy E-commerce and Beyond

Related articles prepared by Jack McGowan for Energy Users News

  • Buildings Online BY JOHN J. "JACK" MCGOWAN, CEM
    Real time and the future of the energy management business

As if on cue, the newest trend in energy management, real-time energy systems, offers companies valuable management tools to deal with the economic downturn. Many companies have reduced capital spending, but energy projects that are self-funding investments and improve the way companies do business still make sense.

To read the complete article view Energy Users News

  • State-of-the-Art Performance Contracting
    Energy crisis changes PC economics

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Energy professionals who share the blessings, or curses, of both age and perspective may feel some gratification that energy issues are at the forefront of the national consciousness once again. The energy crisis, of course, is unwelcome, and energy managers have become good at implementing conservation projects using other motivators, typically cost reduction.

To read the complete article view Energy Users News

  • E-Enabled Energy Services: B2B in the Energy Sector
    New energy portals provide a number of tools so that end users can access the information they need.

    The Internet has created new markets, new ways of doing business.
    E-commerce has already made a deep impact on business and leisure. Forrester Research, a Cambridge, MA, firm that tracks technology markets, projects that e-commerce transactions in the United States will reach $1.3 trillion by 2003. They project that electricity sales alone will account for $250 billion by 2004, meaning that the energy sector will likely see the rapid introduction of new electronic (e)-enabled technology.

    To read the complete article view Energy Users News

  • Beyond the Building Envelope: Direct Digital Control, Open Systems, and Beyond 
    Facilities managers must now be information managers, too

Current trends in automation require the facility manager to think outside the confines of the building envelope. The old controls industry has gone virtual, providing tools that many owners and energy users are only beginning to recognize.

To read the complete article view Energy Users News

  • Energy How Will the Internet Change this Industry?
    Information, information, information everywhere

The business world today seems to be divided into those who are part of the fast-paced Internet market and those experiencing the general uneasiness associated with being left behind. Many see tremendous e-commerce opportunities everywhere, even in bricks and mortar businesses like energy management. Many in the energy industry also see Internet business opportunities but recognize how difficult it is to make an energy management business interactive. Some companies, however, are applying the inherent creativity of the energy management business to old problems and coming up with e-solutions.

To read the complete article view Energy Users News

  • Web Browser Interface: The Next Step in Facility Management
    The Internet extends control systems indefinitely. 

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Ten years ago, what answer would be given to the question of what new innovation in energy management will have the most far-reaching impact on the discipline? BACnet, LonWorks, or other communication standards, pre-integrated microprocessor-based control for HVAC, and design/build construction techniques were included in all the market research studies of the early 1990s. Certainly each of these innovations has changed the industry. What, though, of the next decade? What innovation will have the most far-reaching impact?

To read the complete article view Energy Users News

Professional Information

Mr. Mc Gowan is an Energy Consultant, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Mc Gowan has served as a business leader and technical expert for building automation and energy services for more than three decades, working with commercial buildings and customers in every vertical market.

During his 30+ year career in Industry and Government, Mc Gowan has been:

  • President of Energy Control Inc., an OpTerra Energy Company
  • CEO of Energy Control Inc.
  • Vice President of Marketing with Hydroscope Inc., USA
  • Johnson Controls, Inc., as Business development manager working on energy and water projects for educational institutions, state and municipal customers. 
  • Honeywell, Inc. as Market and Product Development Manager
  • Director of the New Mexico Energy Conservation & Management Division
  • Principal with a Direct Digital Control installation & contracting firm and
  • Corporate Energy Manager with a Fortune 500 retail firm

Mc Gowan published five books and over 200 articles on business and technical topics, including:

  • Distributed DDC, A Guide to Building Automation, Fairmont Press / Prentice Hall, 1995
  • Networking For Building Automation & Control Systems, Fairmont Press / Prentice Hall, 1991.
  • Energy Management for Buildings (Co-authored with William F. Payne), Von Nostrand Reinhold, 1990
  • Energy Management & Control Systems Handbook (Co-authored with William F. Payne), Fairmont Press / Prentice Hall, 1988
  • Service Merchandise Corporate Energy Handbook, SM Press, 1984

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Mc Gowan has published over 200 articles and technical papers, and is a regular speaker at national & international conferences, and association meetings.

He is a member of the Engineered Systems Technical Advisory Board, and a Contributing Editor to the Online Magazine

Mc Gowan has developed and delivered seminars for the Association of Energy Engineers in the United States, and the Centre for Management Technology in Southeast Asia. He also teaches technical and business courses at the University of Phoenix and the University of New Mexico.

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) named Mr. Mc Gowan a "Fellow" in 2013, to the "International Energy Managers Hall of Fame" in 2003 and "International Professional of The Year" in 1997.

He has been listed in Who's Who in the World (1999) and Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Millennium Edition and 1994-1995, 1996-1997 editions, Marquis / Reed Publishing.

Mc Gowan is a: 

  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
  • Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional,
  • Certified Demand Side Manager
  • Certified Cogeneration Professional

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