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Frequently Asked Questions "FAQ"
Plus how can save you time?

 Web Site Purpose and Navigation

This Issue includes:

" The Automator " with articles, product reviews, editorial and press releases from around the industry.

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Frequently Asked Questions "FAQ"

What is our purpose? - To keep the stakeholders of the industry that automates large buildings informed with news, articles and new products while providing an online resource and linkage to the industry.

Who are these stakeholders? - Owners, Developers, Governments, Universities, Architects, Engineers, Energy Performance Contractors, Automation Contractors, Manufacturers, Component Vendors.

Who owns it? - is a privately owned independent and is not affiliated with any publishing company or major vendor. See the About Tab for details. 

How does it make a business from this service? - We sell advertising on our site. Our goal is to have many small advertising contracts to allow us to remain independent while providing our service, and to not be over influenced by any one advertiser. Our readers are extremely focused on the business of automating buildings.

How can save you time?

The fact that you are reading this tells us that you have an interest in the industry that automates large buildings. The Automator online magazine, plus the rest of our web resources, can greatly amplify the time you spent keeping current with the industry. Never has the need to keep current been more important.  We have hundreds of industry contributors that keep us informed on new products, industry trends, their successes, ownership changes etc. In addition we have industry experts providing extremely current articles for each issue (months before you will read it in hardcopy), that define trends and clarify new concepts. This information is archived for quick access and adds monthly to our resource.  The editorial staff is constantly searching the WEB and our other resources for new concepts and trends that are likely to affect the building automation industry. The brief summary provided with each of our over 300 industry links provides you with an insight to the web site content before visiting. We have sorted the industry web site links into sections in our library and we add new sections as they are needed.  We put the information together so you can quickly gain access to what you want and need while keeping an eye on the rest of the industry. Our site search engine allows for a quick summary of all references to a concept or company.

Ok, show me, I will give you 5 minutes...

Check out Site Map for overview of site  This will provide a quick overview of what is here.

Check out "The Automator" - page down for a quick view of news releases, articles, new products, reviews etc.

Check out Resources Page - click on each tab for an overview. Try the Search feature  - use BACnet as a search word.

Looks interesting.  What does the average reader do in a 15 minute visit?

Starts to select articles, news releases, new products and reviews of special interest to them. By observing the amount of reads of each article we are able to judge interest in various topics and try and provide articles that are of interest to the industry.  They also review our linked resources to gain information about others in the industry and their approaches to web presentation and general web presence.

They come back two to three times a month....

To visit the site on their own terms and time and to read more articles, reviews and about new products. Our web site is never closed and the freshness of the information cannot be duplicated by any hardcopy source. They share information on the site with their associates in the industry with a quick email URL reference to articles, plus they bookmark information of interest to themselves.  All information on our site remains at the published URL location to enhance this linkage. All information is archived so our resource keeps increasing monthly.  Our site search engine allows quick access to this information. The number of reads on archived articles are amazing. Good articles are timeless.

How can I use your site to train my new employees about the industry?

Under our Resource Tab online Training has connections to some sources of training. Our Archived Articles are also a great source of industry information, trends, and new concepts. All of these resources are increasing monthly and all are current. Looking at the array of hundreds of linked sites allows your employees insight into the wonderful world of the web.

Web Site Purpose

The evolution of Automated Buildings has reached revolutionary status. The revolution has been caused by the standardization of communication protocols such as BACnet, LonTalk, Web Based control, and the wide use of the Internet and Intranets. As technologies converge and our clients' expectations are fueled by the ease of access and freedom of information on the Net, our only weapon is to be informed. We will encompass environmental control, energy metering/accounting systems, lighting control, life safety/fire, security, communications, high tech tools, web resources, and interactive information systems. Automated Buildings wants to discover the who, what, where, when and why of this fascinating field. Please subscribe to our monthly updates and share this resource by having all of your automated buildings stakeholders subscribe. The monthly updates are free and will help keep us all informed as revolution gives way to rapid evolution into the millennium .

Here's what this website has to offer.
The News Tab takes you to " THE AUTOMATOR" our EMagazine with Headlines, News Releases and lots of interesting articles and product reviews. All past issues will be archived and the articles and reviews indexed and stored in libraries.
The Systems Tab will allow you to get quickly to your area of interest including Environmental Control, Lighting Control, Sensors, Actuators and End Devices, Fire and Life Safety and Security.
The Products Tab takes you to our sponsor pages where a showcase of products and services can be found. Contact us if you'd like to participate and promote you products or services.
The Resources Tab provides linkage to the players in our industry, plus access to demo and shareware software, Industry Articles, Product Reviews, Industry Events, Training Sources and the ability to search the site.
The About Tab lets you know where we are coming from and where we are going, our Mission, how you can support us by advertising, how you can guide us with your interaction by email, as well as how to submit links and articles, and subscribe to our resource.
Hope you find what you're looking for.

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