April 2019

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EMAIL INTERVIEW M.S. Huang and Ken Sinclair

M.S. Huang, President, Delta Electronics (Americas)

Future Building Automation

Building automation systems and control software now have the capability to interconnect, monitor and control a myriad of IoT enabled devices as well as renewable energy sources and their connection to storage or the grid.

Sinclair :  What does the future hold for building automation this year?

Huang:  In 2019, integration will play a central role in building automation. Smart devices embedded in our commercial infrastructure must be managed through intelligent solutions. Building owners need to consider the implications of integration carefully; otherwise, they may be lost in a sea of disconnected devices working at cross purposes. As the commercial sector embraces IoT, building owners must link the devices together to obtain a full picture of what is occurring within their facilities. Without additional data, the advantage of IoT devices is moot. More granular control of building operations through IoT-capable devices will provide building managers greater insight into energy consumption and tenant comfort through a livestream of real data, especially as sustainability takes root in the industry.  

Sinclair :  What differentiates Delta Electronics from other building automation and energy management providers?

Huang:  Delta Electronics has served as a global provider of power and thermal management products for nearly half a century. Since its founding in 1971, Delta has sought to better the world with products that bridge the gap between innovation and energy efficiency. Our decades of experience provides us with the breadth of knowledge and technical expertise that newer upstarts cannot match. 

As an industry leader with an international footprint, Delta offers one of the widest product portfolios on the market. Our energy solutions and systems address the performance and efficiency needs of a range of fields, including building automation, industrial automation, automotive, data centers and telecom, among others.

Our wide scope of applications allows us to deliver the most value for customers since we serve as a one-stop shop for their needs. Our building automation and energy management systems include Delta subsidiaries, Delta Controls Inc. and LOYTEC , along with high-efficiency HVAC solutions from our Delta Breez bathroom ventilation fans.

Sinclair :  What did you showcase at the AHR Expo in Atlanta this year?

Huang:  This year, we showcased a broad array of IoT-enabled, smart energy saving solutions for building automation and control, as well as manufacturing automation. We had several Delta Electronics (Americas) divisions and subsidiaries – including Delta Controls and LOYTEC – all at one 2,500-square-foot booth. This allowed us to display the range of offerings and how these solutions can be integrated.

An example of this integration is at Manchester Airport in the United Kingdom. As a result of a joint energy-savings strategy from Delta Controls and LOYTEC, the airport was able to reduce overall energy usage by up to 89 percent. This was achieved through strategic adjustments to the HVAC and lighting applications, which our platforms intelligently regulated based on which areas of the facility were occupied at any given time.

At AHR, we also unveiled several of our newest building control solutions:

  • UNO® Indoor Environmental Quality Solution, which leverages IoT-architecture and cloud-based functionality to achieve an optimal balance between indoor air quality, energy efficiency and tenant comfort all the way down to the room level.
  • Delta Controls’ O3 product family, with a fully-programmable room controller, sensor hub and on-the-go app for automated temperature and lighting control.
  • LOYTEC LIOB-AIR20 Area Controller, an IP-based building management platform cable of providing building control across numerous sub-systems, including HVAC, lighting, energy storage, EV charging and surveillance.

Our booth also had space dedicated to our ENERGY STAR-qualified Delta Breez ceiling and bathroom ventilation fans, EC fans and blowers, cabinet thermal management solutions and industrial HVAC solutions.

Sinclair :  As you had mentioned, IoT is the direction companies are heading. What do you envision the future to look like with regards to IoT and how will this trend evolve?

Huang:  IoT is having a tremendous impact on today’s market for both building managers and occupants. One of the most significant changes in the pipeline is mobile capabilities. In the next few years, mobile devices will serve as the primary means of controlling functions. Soon, even temperature sensors will be as sophisticated as computers and smartphones. This will allow building operators to zero-in on adjustments and data analysis for more precise facility management. These capabilities will be aided by improvements in connectivity like 5G. As a result, we can expect to see more integrated, multi-function IP devices that offer greater building segment control and allow for automatic optimizations based on performance, efficiency and occupant comfort.

contemporary Sinclair :  Why should building owners and operators be interested in spending money on these efforts?

Huang:  Building owners across the country and world realize there are incentives other than energy savings and building operating costs at play when investing in building automation. Employee comfort and work efficiency through a healthier and more efficient workspace is now the expected norm. Controllable lighting for specialized tasks, controllable HVAC for occupant wellbeing, and controllable access and video monitoring for occupant safety, are all requirements in today’s buildings. Building automation systems and control software now have the capability to interconnect, monitor and control a myriad of IoT enabled devices as well as renewable energy sources and their connection to storage or the grid. Incentives at the federal, state and local levels also are helping incent building owners and operators to make improvements to existing buildings and new construction. Standards like LEED from the U.S. Green Building Council require building automation systems to meet their higher certification requirements.

Sinclair :  How can people learn more about Delta?

Huang:  To learn more about Delta, visit our website and follow us on Twitter @Delta_Americas and on LinkedIn .


Haystack Connect 2019

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