What if Less is More?

Why do products "need" to do everything?
Andy Frank

Andy Frank

Founder & Principal

What if Less is More?

Why do products "need" to do everything?

What's wrong with doing something really, really well?

Jack of all trades, master of none...

What if instead of trying to do everything under the sun — we encouraged
interoperability between systems?

What if vendors promoted interoperability and access to their systems?

Like really promoted, and supported, and encouraged interoperability?

What if we had a rich ecosystem of products, vendors, systems, services that could
all work together?

Where innovation and ingenuity could be created and showcased, instead of
hampered behind hurdle after hurdle.

Where we had the freedom to try new ideas or push the limits of existing ones —
without the fear of effecting what's already in place.

What if instead of everyone competing against each other — we worked together to
compliment each other?

What would it truly take for technology to break through in the smart building

Is it ever more complex and imprecise "revolutions"?

Or is it focused, refined, and simple evolutions?

Ones that in the moment might not even be noticeable — but over time steadily
lead to massive leaps forward?

What if less... is more?




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