February 2013
News Release

Berkeley Lab Study Finds Big Energy Savings in The New York Times Building

Designing a building holistically, and making sure that its components and systems work together according to design intent, can pay big dividends in energy savings and occupant satisfaction, according to a study by scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) of the performance of The New York Times Building in New York City.

Measured results from the post-occupancy evaluation showed a 24% reduction in annual electricity use and 51% reduction in heating energy use, compared to expectations from a design that just met the prescriptive energy-efficiency code in effect at the time of construction (ASHRAE 90.1-2001), and a 25% reduction in peak electric demand. In addition, a significant fraction of occupants indicated a high level of satisfaction with the overall building and its design features.  The Times Company’s investment in advanced energy-efficiency technologies is estimated to yield a 12% rate of return on their initial investment.

contemporary “We aggressively pursued innovative designs to improve the quality of the workplace for our employees and to reduce energy use and other operating costs of our facility,” said Angelo Salvatore, executive director of building operations at the Times Company, “And the outcomes of this study confirm that we were successful.  More importantly, our hope is that the energy efficient measures and designs documented in this independent study may inspire other companies’ workplace designs.”

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