Archive of Building Automation Reviews from "The Automator"

This archive is a compilation of Building Automation reviews published in our online magazine. If you'd like us to review your new product or web site please send an email to . It's a great way to promote your product and inform the industry of new developments. 

Be sure to check out the latest issue of our THE AUTOMATOR to read up on the latest trends and developments in Automated Buildings.

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Across My Desk Every month there is a blizzard of information contained in the emails and newsletters that cross my desk on their way to Some of this information is not in the form of any type of content we can publish but I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop. September 2010

Cisco in the News

Lots of news about Cisco's entry into the smart grid and building automation industry. August 2010
The Power of One Screen Full Check out this month's screen fulls that may be of interest to you. August 2010

The Power of One Screen Full

The old adage that a picture is worth a 1000 words has been enhanced with the html page and pdf containing both words and pictures and of course the power of moving pictures or video with spoken word. July 2010
Connected World Conference It was clear that the attendees were not the bits and bytes crowd. They were the middle to upper managers and were more interested in the results that a product or service could deliver. Steven E. Jones, Managing Partner, The S4 Group, Inc. July 2010

Building to Grid? What about Building to Farm?

If you are having a problems getting your mind around the horizontal reach of building to grid and net zero buildings take a look at this new vertical that put the farm back on top. June 2010
Smartest Siemens' Building in America We applaud Siemens' lead to engage the facility operator in a smartest building challenge and hope others follow. June 2010

ARBS 2010 Trade Exhibition Sydney, Australia

A quick overview of the exhibition May 2010
IP Video Surveillance This is a good quick summary by Cisco on IP Video May 2010
iphone & ipad as the Universal Connector? The iPad is perfectly positioned to connect and control a new generation of wireless smart, location-aware products in our homes, our cars, and eventually our offices. May 2010

The Big Switch

Rewiring the world from Edison to Google April 2010
the monthly blizzard of information I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop. April 2010

Configurations of Today's IAQ Sensors

Configurations are available ranging from a basic transmitting sensor that outputs an analog signal to a full feature sensor with audible alarm, RS-485 communication and multicolor backlit LCD readout indicating gas level. Paul Uchtmann March 2010
Industry You Tubes If a picture is worth a thousand words??? What is a You Tube worth to you? March 2010
the monthly blizzard of information I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop. March 2010

Jim's new book

Smart Buildings Systems for Architects, Owners and Builders is a practical guide and resource for architects, builders, engineers, facility managers, developers, contractors, and design consultants. The book covers the costs and benefits of smart buildings, and the basic design foundations, technology systems, and management systems encompassed within a smart building. February 2010
AHRExpo 2010 Orlando, Free Education Sessions power points Our education sessions were all well received and the mood was that folks are ready to except and be part of the necessary change. February 2010
the monthly blizzard of information

 I feel I should share with you these snippets, blog bits, and url links that are about to fall off my desktop.

February 2010
Industry You Tubes ....the new show me wave? I was very surprised at our industry's penetration into this powerful interactive media. Take a quick look and I am sure these examples will give you some ideas of how you can use this powerful media for promotion and education. February 2010
2009 in Review As we pass into the next decade let's review our clouded reinvention that includes Information, Integration, and Transformation.  There has been much discussion during the last 12 months on this on our online magazine.  In the coming decade we will pass into our 12th year online. January 2010
the monthly blizzard of information Every month a blizzard of information is contained in the emails that cross my desk on their way to Some of this information is not in the form of any type of content we can publish but these are a few snippets and links I feel I should share with you. January 2010

OpsManage 2009 user conference Nov. 3-5 in Anaheim

We attended OpsManage'09 andenjoyed sharing the industrial controls perspective of where our control industry is headed. I was part of a Facilities Management Forum lead by John Bishop. Our session was to showhow Invensys helps solve challenges associated with green buildings, sustainability, carbon emissions, regulatory compliance and energy management December 2009
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

are outlined within six primary categories of industry competitive positioning in this 14-page paper on Digital Signage.  Lyle Bunn

December 2009

Small standards for small things

Before systems can communicate, there is a lot of work building the platform they communicate from.

November 2009
ASIS International the organization for security professionals November 2009

2010 AHR Expo - Orlando "Building Automation and the Cloud"

Here is a sneak preview of our education sessions for AHR Expo 2010

October 2009

Successful Buildings under Control? Symposium 2009 Participants and LOYTEC enjoyed a successful Buildings under Control? Symposium 2009 in Vienna, Austria.

October 2009

Across my desk; ZigBee 101, New Battery, & Songdo City Some of the Interesting stuff that crosses my desk that I feel compelled to share with you

October 2009

Wailing of Wireless Woes

While the World Waits September 2009
?Digital Signage is a Vortex? "The digisphere enables human success through connectivity in all these areas."  September 2009
Internet of Interactions

Towards a Real-Time Unified Pervasive Platform

August 2009
Future with Flexible Paper

Thin OLED Technology

August 2009
Integrating Lighting and Building Control  What are good approaches to ensure that lighting control is properly integrated with the BAS? August 2009
Cisco Network Building Mediator  This FAQ addresses the commonly asked questions related to the introduction of the Cisco? Network Building Mediator (?Mediator?). August 2009

Short Fuse and the Road Map

NIST Seeks Comments on Smart Grid Report  July 2009
EnOcean Alliance Making Waves at Lightfair 2009 The EnOcean Alliance develops and promotes self-powered wireless monitoring and control systems for sustainable buildings by formalizing the interoperable wireless standard. July 2009
Social Networking & M2M The unification of M2M technologies with social networking in the form of ?Collaborative Device Communities? will revolutionize the way companies interact with their products and their customers.   July 2009
Green Intelligent Buildings Conference Santa Clara, CA on September 29-30  Preview July 2009
Converging IT and Energy to Create Green Buildings This session brings together a diverse set of speakers with strong IT and Energy experience to talk about the latest trends and developments in this space. June 2009
Buildy Awards - ConnectivityWeek 2009 The 23 finalists can be found on the ConnectivityWeek web site. June 2009
Energy Efficiency in Buildings Recommissioning This recommissioning project is achieving substantial energy savings while improving the comfort of building occupants year-round. June 2009
Google PowerMeter Partners A Google gadget that can show consumers their personal electricity consumption right on a home computer. June 2009
Keynotes speakers connect us to IP World

Anto has lined up some IP world giants as his keynotes speakers; be sure to attend their presentations.

May 2009
Reinventing Building Automation; my Track at

On June 9, 2009 I will be in Santa Clara California over seeing the presentation of several sessions on the reinvention of building automation.  Track Leader - Ken Sinclair

May 2009 Panel at ConnectivityWeek The first YoungEnergy panel discussion is planned for ConnectivityWeek, June 8-11 in Santa Clara. May 2009
Invitation to Open Grid-Aware Building Collaborative Workshop The Internet has set the standard for information delivery and connectivity. We need this same approach for the building automation industry. May 2009
Green Building Information Technology (IT)

The track called Converging IT and Energy to Create Green Buildings will be a very interesting balance of speakers from the IT space as well as thought leaders in the building area.

May 2009
Invitation to the Open Automated Demand Response Collaborative Workshop

If you are involved in Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing, we would like to invite you to a workshop at the Connectivity Week Conference.

May 2009
BACnet IT:

 The next generation of BACnet - Workshop Session Overview

May 2009
Power to the People: 7 Ways to Fix the Grid, Now

Did you catch this article in Wired Magazine? A great explanation of smart grid concepts to the masses.

May 2009
IP for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance Charter

There is a wide scope of areas where Smart Objects such as sensors for light, pressure, temperature, vibration, actuators, and other similar objects allow for a vast range of new applications: "smart cities", "smart grid", home and building automation, industrial applications, asset tracking, utility metering, etc.

May 2009

Review of CIHE & HVAC 2009

The conference and seminars lasted for two days, thousands of people attended and expressed satisfaction.

May 2009
Letter from Jim Lee - Smart Grid Standards This letter is published with permission from Jim Lee.  It is an excellent example of the leadership our industry can and is providing. April 2009
Some Thoughts on GridEcon 2009 This is the first conference to bring together practitioners in energy markets, business, policy, interoperation technologies, building automation, venture capital, and related areas.  William Cox, Cox Software Architects LLC April 2009
Stuff across my desk As editor I read lots of stuff that doesn't fit into an article, interview, column, news release, or new product. A lot of it is interesting to my readers so I thought I would try presenting it in a review. April 2009
ZigBee Resource Guide

Applications of ZigBee for energy conservation and energy management are described.

March 2009

ZigBee Smart Energy Forum

Energy Providers from Numerous Countries Gain Insight on Industry Leading ZigBeeTechnology

March 2009

Preview: Smart Buildings: How Connected Real Estate ?LEEDs? to Sustainability Webcast - Tuesday, February 3 February 2009
SPEED Digital Signage Training Program ?SPEED? is the acronym for:  ?Structure for Planning, Explaining, Excitement and Deployment.? February 2009
See what you missed at AHR Chicago Education Sessions AHR Expo and's education sessions were extremely well attended at AHR Chicago with over 400 folks coming out to listen and interact with myself, our contributing editors and speakers. February 2009
Preview: B2G Summit The second B2G (Building-to-Grid) Summit will explore opportunities for HVAC/BAS industry from the work underway to develop a smart electric grid (Smart Grid). January 2009
Automated Demand Response Cuts Commercial Building Energy Use and Peak Demand (TB-31) Automated demand-response (AutoDR) systems use Internet-based electricity pricing and demand-response signals to initiate preprogrammed control strategies that provide fully automated management of building energy use. January 2009
KNX Provides All Round Energy Management Solutions Systems that track the energy performance of a building in real time can identify all areas where there is need for improvement, allowing the owner (occupier) to take steps to further improve energy efficiency. January 2009
Monitoring-based commissioning provides substantial energy savings

MBCx can be used in commercial and institutional buildings that have energy information or energy-management systems that are capable of trending building energy use.

January 2009
Wireless for Controls: An Update Basic wireless systems include wire replacement systems, where the sensor, transmitter and receiver use line power but communicate wirelessly, and fully wireless schemes (i.e., having all battery-powered components). January 2009
Useful online resources to download Net-Zero Energy, High-Performance Green Buildings; Energy Performance of LEED for New Construction Buildings etc December 2008
Intelligence Audience Measurement Software for your integration With our pattern recognition software, we provide you the most high end intelligence solution ? pay per glance for your signage platform requirement December 2008
Fundamental information that we needed to add for scheduling in oBIX One of the most fundamental acts of negotiating services is when something should occur. November 2008
?The Road Ahead? examines some of the previous and upcoming green initiatives endorsed by Reliable Controls and the larger theme of the building control industry?s growing importance to the green movement. November 2008
Sneak Preview Education Sessions AHR Expo 2009 Chicago Ken SInclair
Here is a tentative schedule for your BAC Sessions for the AHR Expo this January
October 2008
Day Lighting Control Resources Ken SInclair
Some daylight Control Resources worth sharing that crossed my desk this month from E Source and Lighting Control & Design.
September 2008

Free; Over 250 Full Color HVAC and Fire System Illustrations

Ken Sinclair
With Computrols' Visio Building Automation System Graphics, you and your team can speed projects to completion by creating complete CBAS drawings through Microsoft? VisioTM; without specialized software or training.
August 2008
ZigBee Today Ken Sinclair
Today, the Alliance has more than 280 members worldwide, putting us well on the way to our goal of 300 members by the end of the year.
August 2008
Cisco - Smart Buildings Offering Clever Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption Ken Sinclair
Internet technologies are helping integrate environmental building controls for greater efficiencies, but real estate industry slow to invest in these new systems
August 2008
The most read articles of the last Ten Years Ken Sinclair
This is the comprehensive list of the last ten years of your favorite articles rated by most reads. The page is worth a quick view just to grasp the subject matter covered and depth and width of the data we as an industry have created.
July 2008
"Green" issue of Rexel's POWER OUTLET magazine Joe Salimando
For this special issue, Rexel expanded the publication's size (from 108 pages to 162) -- and told me to make  as much of it "green" as possible. As a result of that direction from my client, there are more than 90 pages of "green" editorial in this issue.
July 2008
CABA Intelligent Buildings Leadership Forum Jeff Seewald
The CABA Intelligent Buildings Leadership Forum attracted systems integrators, consultants, suppliers, building owners, and academics interested in intelligent building technologies and practices, and the corresponding delivery of efficiency and sustainability.
July 2008

ISA Training Course Introduction to Building Automation Systems (EA15)

Ken Sinclair
I was asked by ISA to provide input plus a review of their New Building Automation course.  I am extremely impressed with the course that Ken Kolkebeck has put together. Once the usefulness of Ken's course is realized I feel it will likely become the standard for Building Automation Systems Training for our industry.

June 2008
Record Number of Attendees and Sponsors ?Carry the Vision Forward? at the 2008 Niagara Summit Marc Petock, Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications, Tridium, Inc.
Three day conference brings together record number of attendees and sponsors focusing on technology for driving smart devices, connecting machines-to-machines and delivering pervasive automation solutions.
June 2008
5 Essential Steps to Recruiting the People You Want  Jeff Dickey-Chasins, VP Marketing, MEP Jobs
MEP Jobs is the leading supplier of jobs and skilled industry talent for the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing industries.
June 2008
2008 Buildy Award Winners Frank Capuano, Manager ? Buildy Awards
ConnectivityWeek hosted the 5 th annual Buildy Awards, attracting an impressive gathering of Intelligent Building, Access Control, HVAC, Lighting, IT, Green Buildings, Intelligent Home, Industrial solution and power grid experts. 
June 2008
IBB Review Frank Capuano, Editor ? The Show Daily ?The daily event paper produced for ConnectivityWeek
The Interoperable Blues Band (IBB), now in its 5 th year, continues to bring together the industry like no other event can. 
June 2008

CSI Roundtable May 19 in Santa Clara California

Ken Sinclair Track Leader
Please plan on attending and sharing your thoughts on this Convergence View of Specifications roundtable
May 2008

OpenADR Workshop Invitation Santa Clara BuilConn

Girish Ghatikar  LBL
The development of the ?Open Automated Demand Response Communication Standards? (OpenADR) that began in 2002 following the California electricity crisis will be featured in May 19th OpenADR Workshop in conjunction with DR-Expo at the Connectivity Week, Santa Clara, CA. 

May 2008
Interoperable Blues Band (IBB) headlines at Connectivity Week Leighton Wolffe Band Master
For the fifth year, the Interoperable Blues Band (IBB) headlines at Connectivity Week. For those of you have not heard about the IBB, it is a band organized and led by Leighton Wolffe. Each year, professional touring musicians play as the house band for the evening and guest musicians who by day are CEO?s, Control Technicians, Software Developers, Keynote Speakers and others attending Connectivity Week can join in.
May 2008

ConnectivityWeek Organizers Announce Finalists for 2008 Buildy Awards

Frank Capuano, Manager Buildy Awards 
Designed to increase awareness of the benefits of smart device connectivity, integration and interoperability, and honor successful implementation strategies, the Buildy Awards program celebrates the organizations and individuals who best support the vision of connected control systems to provide greater value from a technology investment.

May 2008

Green Intelligent Buildings Conference

 Jeff Seewald, PE, Intelligent Building Systems Engineer  Baltimore, April 2-3, 2008  Common threads throughout the conference illustrated a strong connection to sustainability, linking intelligent buildings and green buildings. May 2008

ZigBee Resource Guide and Analysts Predictions

Ken Sinclair Editor
The ZigBee Resource Guide has been endorsed by the ZigBee Alliance, and focuses solely on products, applications and standards issues surrounding this exciting short-range wireless technology for wireless control in many applications.
May 2008

CSI Roundtable May 19 in Santa Clara California

Ken Sinclair Track Leader
Please plan on attending and sharing your thoughts on this Convergence View of Specifications roundtable

Apr 2008
OpenADR Workshop Invitation Santa Clara BuilConn

Girish Ghatikar  LBL
The development of the ?Open Automated Demand Response Communication Standards? (OpenADR) that began in 2002 following the California electricity crisis will be featured in May 19th OpenADR Workshop in conjunction with DR-Expo at the Connectivity Week, Santa Clara, CA. 

Apr 2008
Interoperable Blues Band (IBB) headlines at Connectivity Week

Leighton Wolffe Band Master
For the fifth year, the Interoperable Blues Band (IBB) headlines at Connectivity Week. For those of you have not heard about the IBB, it is a band organized and led by Leighton Wolffe. Each year, professional touring musicians play as the house band for the evening and guest musicians who by day are CEO?s, Control Technicians, Software Developers, Keynote Speakers and others attending Connectivity Week can join in.

Apr 2008
ConnectivityWeek Organizers Announce Finalists for 2008 Buildy Awards

Frank Capuano, Manager Buildy Awards 
Designed to increase awareness of the benefits of smart device connectivity, integration and interoperability, and honor successful implementation strategies, the Buildy Awards program celebrates the organizations and individuals who best support the vision of connected control systems to provide greater value from a technology investment.

Apr 2008
Green Intelligent Buildings Conference   Jeff Seewald, PE, Intelligent Building Systems Engineer  Baltimore, April 2-3, 2008  Common threads throughout the conference illustrated a strong connection to sustainability, linking intelligent buildings and green buildings. Apr 2008
ZigBee Resource Guide and Analysts Predictions  Ken Sinclair Editor
The ZigBee Resource Guide has been endorsed by the ZigBee Alliance, and focuses solely on products, applications and standards issues surrounding this exciting short-range wireless technology for wireless control in many applications.
Apr 2008

No! It?s not just a sensor!

Trevor Palmer, Viconics
The latest innovations from our engineering team have been the integration of a passive infrared motion detector directly into the cover of our VT7000 series thermostats.
Mar 2008
The Use of Industrial Ethernet Requires Knowledge Joe Stasiek, Contemporary Controls
Contemporary Controls? Virtual Industrial Ethernet University (IEU) Offers Graduate Level Courses
Mar 2008
Building Operations get Sassy Toby Considine, New Daedalus Ken Sinclair and I were recently talking about SaaS and how it affects the Automated Building world. We concluded that SaaS was not only going to be big in traditional applications such as Building Monitoring and Energy Management, but would open up whole new areas of building analytics and advanced services. Feb 2008
Diplomas from BACnet Interest Group Russia + the journal ?Building Automation in Russia? Andrey Golovin  & Ken Sinclair  Special diplomas were given at the AHR Expo in New York to Mr. Ken Sinclair, the Editor and Owner and to Mr. Jim Sinopoli as the most valuable author. Presentation was by  Andrey Golovin Executive Director of BIG-RU (BACnet Interest Group Russia) Editor in Chief of the ?Building Automation in Russia? Feb 2008

B2G Summit New York

Jack Mc Gowan, Energy Control Inc. Energy and Buildings had a wakeup call at AHR this year with the first Building to Grid B2G Summit. Feb 2008

Commercial Buildings Initiative Workshop - New York

Paul Ehrlich, PE, Building Intelligence Group LLC
What if commercial buildings didn?t use any energy? While this sounds like science fiction, it is the goal of a new effort called by the Commercial Buildings Initiative or CBI.

Feb 2008

Building Intelligence Tour

Jeff Seewald, Building Intelligence Group LLC  Illuminates Intelligent Sustainable Buildings at AHR Expo 2008 Feb 2008

CABA Integrated and Intelligent Building Council Spreads its Wings

Tom Lohner   The board of directors agreed to endorse the expansion of CABA 's Integrated and Intelligent building focus under the current direction and leadership of the IIBC. The IIBC will use the recommendations of the Intelligent Building Road Map as a basis to spawn new task forces dedicated to address the building construction industry needs relative to building technology and enterprise system integration. Feb 2008

Web Services Are-We-There-Yet?

Toby Considine New Daedalus  We now have web services to almost any conceivable control system. We have BACnet-XML and BACREST. We have TAC Web Services. We have LON XML. We have oBIX. So...are we there yet? Feb 2008

OPC and DCOM: 5 things you need to know

Randy Kondor, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, OPCTI  OPC technology relies on Microsoft's COM and DCOM to exchange data between automation hardware and software; however it can be frustrating for new users to configure DCOM properly. If you have ever been unable to establish an OPC connection or transfer OPC data successfully, the underlying issue is likely DCOM-related. This whitepaper discusses the steps necessary to get DCOM working properly and securely. Feb 2008

First Ever B2G Summit

 Leighton Wolffe, NewEnergy Alliance  Increased Collaboration between Building Systems Industry and Grid Operators Marks First Ever B2G Summit Feb 2008
The Best of 2007 @ Ken Sinclair Editor - Looking at the most downloaded articles each month for 2007 from gives us insight into what our readers interests are and where the industry thinking is likely heading. Jan 2008

Preview AHRExpo New York 2008

Ken Sinclair Editor - A sneak preview of what you will see in New York Dec 2007
Grid-Interop was great!

Toby Considine - It was a solid group of attendees, in tracks ranging from Building/Grid interactions, Enterprise/Grid Interactions, Architectures, Security, and probably several more.

Dec 2007
Greenbuild 2007 Round-Up

Denis Du Bois  Editor@EnergyPriorities - I was among 22,000-plus other people who agree that green building is a good idea and good for business. This year the U.S. Green Building Council explored "Accelerating Green Communities" with educational sessions, speakers (including Bill Clinton), special events and tours, and a huge exhibit hall.

Dec 2007
Stuff that crossed my desk in November

 Ken Sinclair - Highlights from Phoenix, LonWorld 2007, RealTech Middle East, oBIX By Toby Considine, and NextGen Intelligent Commercial Property

Dec 2007

1st Buildings under ControlTM Symposium

Mag. Josef Wojak, MBA, LOYTEC electronics GmbH - LOYTEC as the host together with its cooperation partners Newron System (France) und Cimetrics (USA) took positive stock of the 1st Buildings under ControlTM Symposium. Nov 2007
ZEB - Zero Energy Buildings explained Toby Considine - Some of the so-called ?Zero Energy? initiatives envision each building supported by multiple on-site energy collection and generation systems. Based upon the building?s operating posture, and the mix of energy sources available, such a building would pull 35% or less of its total energy budget from the grid. If the facility includes local buffering and storage of electrical energy, whether this buffering is in the form of souped-up traditional batteries or new-fangled hydrogen storage, this become viable. Nov 2007
Why Green Buildings Are Key to Asia's Future - ?It is heartening to find that the Asia Business Council has focused on the energy efficiency of buildings in Asia. This report is extremely valuable, particularly since the Asian region is experiencing a building boom, and correct designs and building practices at this stage can ensure energy efficiency and limitations on emissions of greenhouse gases for decades to come.?

Nov 2007
How SOA could change the way you buy electricity

Joanne Cummings, Network World, 10/22/07 - A demonstration network called GridWise showed how an event-driven service-oriented architecture can be used to build a power marketplace that lets residential and commercial customers change their electricity consumption nearly in real time, based on price and other factors.

Nov 2007
Extreme Real Estate: Pacific Controls HQ in Dubai! - Take a look at this Digie Award-winning Pacific Controls Headquarters in Dubai, which is the first-of-its-kind, LEED Platinum rated, Green Building to also use solar energy for lighting and fresh air cooling. In addition, PCS headquarters has an integrated building automation system that uses both wired and wireless sensors, controls, and M2M communications.

Nov 2007

Building Automation and Sustainability Conference - Phoenix

Ken Sinclair - This was the first time ever that BACnet International and the Engineered Systems magazine joined forces to put on the three day show. October 2007 Chuck Ehrlich - This is just what we have all been looking for, a dictionary that defines all those annoying acronyms and initialisms we all use but nobody is sure what they stand for. September 2007
AMI doesn?t make much difference without fundamental process change Toby Considine - Few changes in the utility industries have generated more interest and discussion than Automated Meter Information (AMI). September 2007
Realcomm's NextGen Best Practices Tours offer unique access to some of the world's most innovative projects under way in Asia and the Middle East. Each tour consists of a select group of commercial real estate professionals with the common goal of witnessing the amazing development taking place around the world. September 2007
A Beginner's Guide to oBIX (even if you're not a developer!) - Part 2 & 3

Gareth Johnson - In the last installment of this basic oBIX guide, I discussed reading and writing objects in oBIX. This week I'm going to discuss objects in more detail and oBIX Operations.

September 2007

Are you looking ahead to the Grid-Interop?

Toby Considine - It is an opportunity for the executive or the technical staff to learn more about how interoperability will open up new markets and enable innovation across the whole electrical supply chain. August 2007
A Beginners Guide to oBIX (even if you're not a developer!) - Part 1 Gareth Johnson - Came across this valuable information in the Niagara Blog on how to actually use oBIX!  Good stuff thanks Gareth. August 2007
Boston Properties Building Operations Center (BPBOC) Realcomm 2007 Boston Tour  Over the last 3 years we have slowly seen the concept of a centralized Building Operations Center (BOC), with multiple properties networked and connected to a central intelligence hub, move from ?early adopter? status to now mainstream discussion and, in some cases, adoption. August 2007
Still Waiting. . .  for SOAP Toby Considine - We want the best information that you can provide with your deep domain knowledge to present to us actionable information. July 2007
Lighting Opportunities that are Part of the Change Ken Sinclair - For the last few months I have  been trying to cajole the lighting industry to write articles and providing interviews about changes in their industry and help define their position in the smart Grid or GridWise thinking. July 2007
ConnectivityWeek / BuilConn Chicago Report Anto Budiardjo - For practitioners participating this space, a great deal was uncovered in how Building-IT convergence is starting to play out; delivering real value to owners and tangible opportunities for the industry. June 2007
GridWise Applied Jack Mc Gowan - The Objective and criteria for the award is to highlight real-world application/implementation of GridWise Architecture Council (GridWise AC) interoperability principles in products, services and projects. June 2007
BuilConn 2007 Denis Du Bois - The conference was an interactive environment where attendees helped shape big ideas, such as Buildings 2.0 and GridWise. June 2007
oBIX, Building 2.0 from Toby's Blog Toby Considine - T he National Building Information Modeling Standard (NBIMS) and the oBIX committee have met to explore relationships between the standards, focusing on whether Energy Models developed directly against NBIMS models can be compared to live data from control systems read by oBIX to produce live models (or instantaneous commissioning)". June 2007
Buildy 2007 Frank Capuano - 2007 Buildy Awards Honor Convergence and Integration Experts at Premier Event for Networked Buildings June 2007
BuilConn 2007 Brooke Richards - BuilConn continues to provide a forum for industry players to discuss and endorse new technologies and solutions which promote the converged network.  June 2007
Getting Grid Wise at GridWeek The first GridWeek ever was a great success.  Although I thought I had been keeping on top of the GridWise movement by reading all the articles and interviews on our web site, GridWeek provided many opportunities to learn more. May 2007
Practical Controls: A Guide To Mechanical Systems Steve Calabrese, Project Engineer, Automated Logic, Chicago A relative newcomer on the scene of HVAC control systems publications, Practical Controls: A Guide To Mechanical Systems endeavors to teach, in an easy-to understand manner, the role of controls in mechanical (HVAC) systems. This 469-page hardcover book is published by The Fairmont Press (2003), and contains 24 chapters, 90+ diagrams and illustrations, and an 18 page glossary. April 2007
BuilConn Middle East 2007 Bradley Hemphill Pr. Eng, Electrical Engineering Solutions
No where else In the world does the the scale of construction come close to that of the Middle East.
April 2007

New Developments in the Digital Signage Field

I am always interested in new developments in the Digital Signage field because they present new ways of getting our message to our clients and providing simple visual and audio interaction with our buildings Mar 07
Smart Buildings - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT POWER OVER ETHERNET I met Jim Sinopoli in Singapore at the first Asia-Pacific ConnectivityWeek in Singapore. Jim publishes a newsletter called Smart Buildings. I would like to share with you some of the content of this newsletter. Feb 07
LC&D?s continuing educationabout the latest technology in lighting controls LC&D?s continuing education courses allow you to learn more about the latest technology in lighting controls for new and retrofit construction design and earn professional development credit for your Architectural (AIA/CES) or Engineer license renewal. Feb 07
A new book - Web Based Enterprise Energy and Building Automation Systems I am pleased to point out that the folks writing for are a large part of this book, look at the 40 chapters listed  to see how many names you can recognize. Jan 07
ABCs of IP Internet Protocol

This resource is well worth downloading and reading to help your understanding the THE TCP/IP STACK

Jan 07
Dubai Tour RealComm Advisory - Dubai Tour Vol. 5 No. 47 11.22.2006  Dubai - The Largest Development Project in the World! Dec/06
BuilConn Singapore The first BuilConn in Asia focused on bringing together players from around the region, and come they did. From Singapore, Indonesia, India, Australia, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, UAE and China, key stakeholders came and met with vendors and speakers from the region as well as Europe and North America. Dec/06
NetZero "Building as Power Plant" Edward H. Brzezowski, P.E., LEED AP Director of Engineering The Ferreira Group is doing some very interesting work with Net Zero Buildings. Nov/06
BuilConn: Cisco's Connected Real Estate Roundtable Working Paper The first ever Connected Real Estate Roundtable in Palm Springs on the vision of integrated IP-based building systems has been captured in a working paper by Stanford University by Tobias Maile & Martin Fischer. Nov/06
Do You Understand the ABC's of the OSI Model? Integrators and manufacturers still don't GET IT! The IT vendors are basing their competitive selling strategy around IP networking standards Oct/06
Realcomm Intelligent NextGen Buildings SEMINARS hosted by BOMA Today?s ?Intelligent Buildings? incorporate building automation, structured cabling, wireless systems and controls, remote operations, digital signage and touchscreen directories, flexible design, automated parking, paperless business processes ? all for an enhanced tenant experience and improved operating results. Oct/06
FIATECH Capital Projects Technology Roadmap Have you seen the FIATECH Capital Projects Technology Roadmap? This roadmap shows how the construction process will be integrated with IT/IP tools. It is important that we as an industry understand how and where we fit into this roadmap. Sep/06
Connected Real Estate in the Middle East In a building, Connected Real Estate harnesses and integrates the power of IP networks to enable the delivery of powerful services that provide revenue-generating opportunities, as well as improving safety and security by transforming how building operators and owners can protect their people and assets. Sep/06
ibX Forum - Building Value with Intelligence We have at this time only a rough draft of the proceedings for the ibX Forum - Building Value with Intelligence and this is attached. Aug/06
Lots of News from LONMARK Lots of news is been generated in the LON camp these days. Aug/06
Energy Impact of Commercial Building Controls & the High Performance Buildings Database The purpose of this review is to simply make you aware of this valuable resource . The High Performance Buildings Database is research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. Aug/06
Article for Industrial Automation Asia (IAA) sets scene for BuilConn Singapore I was extremely pleased to be asked to provide an article with a update on how the Internet, IT convergence, wireless networks, globalisation and the whole M2M thing is causing a Real Renaissance that is Reshaping the Building Automation Industry. Jul/06
CIO?s and Tridium:  ?Making Connections? at Realcomm The Realcomm theme was ?Making Connections ? The Intersection of Commercial Real Estate, Corporate Real Estate and Technology,? and there is no doubt that many important connections were made. Jul/06
Building Automation - Realcomm Asia Tour I just recently returned from two weeks in Asia on the Realcomm NextGen Best Practices Tour, visiting some of the most technologically advanced buildings in the world! It was an amazing trip in terms of witnessing how technology is incorporated into the design, development, and operation of their buildings. Here is a brief overview of the trip and a snapshot of what we saw... Jun/06
ZigBee versus Z-Wave This story provides insight into these two competing wireless standards. Jun/06
Niagara Summit The 2006 Niagara Summit Brings Out the Best in ?Connecting Minds and Machines?  Jun/06
All Business at BuilConn 2006 Palm Springs Throughout all aspects of the event?from the well-attended business tracks, business-focused keynotes and discussions at the expo to the corridors and numerous networking events?attendees, exhibitors, sponsors and speakers were discussing one key thing: how to deliver convergence-connected buildings. Jun/06
Connected Real Estate Roundtable, Palm Springs BuilConn

I was extremely pleased to be invited to the first ever Connected Real Estate Roundtable in Palm Springs.  The following are observations and summations I made while there and is intended to provide the flavour of the information served around the roundtable.

Newsmaker and Shaker of the year award

We carried the news of this award in our May issue of and were pleased to physically present Anto with his award in person at the BuilConn Gala in Palm Springs.

BuilConn 2006 Buildy Visionary award winner

Jane and I were pleased to turn over our year of glory as last year's BuilConn ?Buildy Visionaries? to this year's winner Jack McGowan. Our prolific contributing editor's vision has transformed him into Mr Gridwise.

2006 Buildy Awards

Convergence and Integration Experts Honored with 2006 Buildy Awards at Premier Event for Networked Buildings

The IBB Palm Springs

"the best one yet"

The Connectivity Daily

Every morning during last month?s Connectivity Week attendees were greeted with a copy of the Connectivity Daily - the official event daily paper.  The three published issues (with a total circulation of 1300 issues) included an array of information including article excerpts from Harbor Research, Energy Priorities, Cisco and the BuilConn Update. 

The Nights before the Roundtable

If you are not aware, Cisco Systems is sponsoring a roundtable discussion on IT Convergence & Building Automation, Tuesday 16-May-2006 in Palm Spring at this year's BuilConn.

Our Votes for this year's BuilConn Buildy's awards

Honor those in the industry whose Vision, Initiative, Product or Project supports Building-IT convergence by voting  them in for a Buildy award.

oBIX will be present at the Web services track at BuilConn

From an email from Aaron HansenAt BuilConn oBIX will be present in both sessions of the Web services track on Tues.  We will also have a face-to-face meeting that evening, 4 - 5:30pm.  There is a strong chance oBIX will be in an official public review state at that time.

The Interoperable Blues Band (IBB) will have a number of new faces

BuilConn 2006 is bringing together IT based companies into the world of building automation and true to the spirit of interoperability, players from these diverse industries are also participating in the IBB.


A spring break on an Island with a technical session, golf, biking, hiking.......

You and yours need a spring break and here is the ticket! An interesting technical program called Moving Building Automation Systems out of the BOILER ROOM and into the BOARD ROOM that you can attend while supporting ASHRAE and still have fun playing in and exploring beautiful Victoria BC on Vancouver Island Canada.


Building Automation 2006 Conference

The event was a rousing success, bringing together building owners, consulting engineers, suppliers and experts for a two day event focused on planning and change.  Paul Ehrlich


ODVA February 2006 Phoenix Meeting Report - Industrial Protocol Activity

Bill Lydon attended the recent annual ODVA meeting in Phoenix Arizona.  ODVA is a not for profit industry trade group with over 270 members that develops and promotes industrial communication protocols, DeviceNet was the fist network introduced.


Hong Kong Harbour 'Symphony Of Lights'

Control of 18 buildings on the Hong Kong water front in a integration of architectural lighting, laser effects, pyrotechnics and accompanied by a sound simulcast provides a very graphic demonstration of what city wide control integration might look like. Be sure to view the video.


Tridium Sponsors CGNA?s Industry Forum ? ?National Account Solutions?

The focus of the forum was on selling and supporting controls for national accounts in the commercial building marketplace.


BACnet Service Tool

When I was in Chicago in the BACnet International booth Jon Williamson showed me how he could wirelessly discover all the BACnet points in the booth on his hand held computer. A very impressive demonstration.  The thought that crossed my mind at this point was that the true power of the BACnet international community is the sum of its parts, and product development is now a community affair.


IP Video Technology & Narrowcasting

I received a pdf with a "Digital Signage Retail Case Study: Siam Centre & Siam Discovery, Bangkok" in an email from 1-2-1View who's Home Headquarters are in Hong Kong with offices throughout Asia.  I would like to share some of the information from their web site and provide connection to this pdf.


Annual Conference for KMC Development Co. Ltd

18 February 2006 ? Tianjin, China an extremely successful conference.

My 10 Takeaways from AHR Expo Chicago I have just returned from the largest ever AHR Expo which was a kaleidoscope of change. I share my 10 technology takeaways with you. Feb/06
What is Z-Wave? Z-wave is a wireless RF-based communications technology designed for residential and light commercial control and status reading applications such as meter reading, lighting and appliance control, HVAC, access control, intruder and fire detection, Feb/06
Building Intelligence Tour at AHR Expo 2006 Chicago The Building Intelligence Tour was a great success with over 100 folks showing up for this full day event. Kudos to both Paul and CABA plus a special thanks to all who volunteered their time and resources to bring this tour of intelligence to Chicago. Feb/06
Cisco Connected Real Estate (CCRE) harnesses the power of Internet Protocol (IP) to turn traditional building construction and management paradigms on their heads. Jan/06
Largest Multi-vendor BACnet System Runs on Contemporary Controls? Ethernet Equipment at the BACnet Conference & Expo 2005

?We showed how different systems can communicate to each other. We also showed how devices like variable speed drives and meters are coming with BACnet smarts. Buildings will now be networks of devices instead of having the controls contractor hardwiring the devices together.?

New in 2006?BACnet International The BMA has partnered with the BACnet Interest Group - North America (BIG?NA) to form this organization. Dec/05

Overview of LonWorld 2005

The product demos, the presentations in the theater, the meetings with customers were geared at delivering one message: Echelon?s technology and products enable ubiquitous control networking now.

"Reflections" on Amsterdam

Some answers were found in the keynotes, some in the content rich sessions and some on the exhibition floor. However I feel that most of the answers were found talking to the stalwarts of our building automation industry and those new guys on the block from the IT world.

The Freedom of BACnet? Rings True at The BACnet Conference & Expo 2005

The conference demonstrated that the future of BACnet will be exciting, with ?more freedom to come? for building owners.

Building Automation Presentations at Clima 2005 Lausanne, Switzerland

The City of Lausanne was a delightful site for this international congress of building technologies, with the theme "High Tech, Low Energy".

Facility management will change radically with increased mobile capabilities There is very little doubt that mobility will continue to impact our industry. It's probably  a good idea to take a moment to assess your organization's current mobile activity. Oct/05
A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge Ken tries to describe our complete building automation industry in a brief chapter of ISA's Guide to comprehensive information about all major topics in the broad field of automation. Sept/05
Realcomm 2005 At events like Realcomm, the building automation systems industry needs to present a united value proposition, one that is business- and benefit-centric that plays to the [financial] heart of the commercial real estate industry. Aug/05
BACnet  Interest Group Russia News from BACnet is a new BIG BACnet Interest Group - Russia (BIG-RU) is now forming. BIG-RU Aims: The promotion of BACnet technology in Russian Building Automation and Controls (BACS) market, using ABOK experience, the experience and assistance of ASHRAE and BIG-EU Jul/05
Event Report ZigBee Open House ? Oslo, Norway June 15, 2005 The event was open to the public and featured seminars and exhibits featuring ZigBee and other mesh solutions.  Attendance was strong, with over 300 participants.  Jul/05
CGNA ?Integration Forum? The theme, ?Building Automation Solutions through Distribution,? was woven throughout the event as each speaker contributed insights as to why building owners, engineers and contractors will all increasingly be turning to distributors who carry multiple integration product lines. Jun/05
More Examples of Data Mining Reviewed My automation column in the April issue of Engineered Systems has created some feedback and connection to some other resources that I would like to share with my readers. May/05
BuilConn - M2M  Dallas 2005 in Review The quality of the presented material continued to move the bar up, increasing the diversity of presentations while expanding the number of tracks. Apr/05
FireFox ? Improved Browser or just an Alternative to Internet Explorer? Firefox is the most customizable browser on the planet. Apr/05
Digital Signage Summit in Toronto Offers Valuable Update

"insiders? met at the ?Digital Signage Advertising Revolution? Summit held in Toronto February 8-10.


AHR Expo 2005 Observations

The International Exposition Company hosted a great Expo in Orlando. The show was also one of the biggest shows in the Southeast in total attendance with more than 45,000 total attendees.  

Preview of XML Symposium Orlando 2005 Consider last year's first ever Symposium as an introduction only and come to hear what has happened in the exciting world of XML since then. Feb/05
Energy Information Systems and Diagnostic Tools High Performance Commercial Building Systems "HPCBS" Web Site
Although dated, contains much useful information and overview of web-based demand response.
Sneak Preview BuilConn 2005 The third annual event dedicated to the issues of the integration and convergence of building systems with IT. Jan/05
Sneak Preview  New Book - Web Based Energy Information and Control Systems A new book is posed to be published this spring. Barney has shared a bit of information with us so that we can provide you some insight. The Table of Contents which is provided at the bottom of this review lists the author or authors of each chapter and reads like a who's who of our industry's mover and shakers. Jan/05
BuilSpec Seattle ? The word on the street

I achieved my mission to learn about how innovations in the automation industry could help my business and my customers and I highly recommend BuilSpec as an efficient leap into the future of buildings.


WiFi Antenna Performance Assessment Report

A new Apogee Partners report "WiFi Antenna Performance Assessment Report" which quantifies performance differences in commercially available 802.11 antennas is now available. Dec/04

Why you cannot afford to miss the BuilSpec Seminar near you.

A Sneak Preview by Nov/04

Building Automation Publications from Europe

The BIG-EU folks have just published the inaugural edition of their new magazine, BACnet Europe Journal ABOK standards set and include translation of Building Automation and Control Systems" Terms and Definitions. Nov/04

Web Resources for Networked Signage and Video Services

Our last month's article Electronic Signage for Safer Buildings inspired me to provide loose connection to web-based information on this exciting new convergence collision that is about to occur with our industry. Oct/04

How you can help OASIS oBIX Technical Committee Advance Web Services

International standards consortium, OASIS, announced plans to advance oBIX (Open Building Information Xchange), a Web services implementation for the building management and controls industry.


CABA's Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council

Are you aware of CABA's Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council and it's six Task Forces? Aug/04

The ZigBee Alliance

Last month our readers showed an extreme interest in wireless, so this month, I decided to do a quick review of the ZigBee Alliance which is leading the new wave in wireless networking. Jul/04
National Building Controls Information Program The National Building Controls Information Program publishes reports designed to assist engineers, building owners, facility managers, building operators, installation specialists, product specifiers, commissioning providers, and manufacturers with the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of control products and strategies for their building application Jun/04

What is GridWise?

GridWise is an entirely new way to think about how we generate, distribute and use energy. Using advanced communications and up-to-date information technology, GridWise will improve coordination between supply and demand, and enable a smarter, more efficient, secure and reliable electric power system. Jun/04

BuilConn Feeling Keeps Building

We are just back from BuilConn and pleased to report that the BuilConn feeling just keeps Building.


First Night Performance of the Interoperable Blues Band

The industry that plays together stays together. Leighton's idea of putting together an Interoperability Blues Band was a great success and provided a forum never seen before for the industry to interact.


Content and quality of Presenters keeps BuilConn 2004 fresh

Last year's event will be a tough act to follow but it looks like Anto and his crew are set to pull another big one out of their hats. Apr/04

A review and connection to the active movement in aecXML 

At the XML-Symposium w here I lead a Panel Discussion on XML-related HVAC industry initiatives and views, I was pleasantly surprised to find out about the active movement in aecXML.  Mar/04

A review of the Online Industrial Ethernet University - IEU

Walking and talking Information Technology means understanding Ethernet.
   George Thomas of Contemporary Controls has made me aware of this great resource 


CtrlSpecBuilder? a tool for preparing quicker, easier specifications

I decided to do a quick review of this product as it reminded me of my roots of some 30 years of writing control specifications. Jan/04

Shanghai in Review

An update of's recent visit to Shanghai.


Lighting Controls: Current Use, Major Trends and Future Direction

"Lighting automation is now becoming the rule rather than the exception" Are you part of this new market? If not read this article to find out more.  Nov/03
Worldwide CIBSE/ASHRAE Gathering of the Building Services Industry  "Sustainability is right now fundamentally about acting for our survival as a human race and ensuring that we can have a decent quality of life across the globe."  Oct/03
Find out more about Anto, XML Marketing plus his Dreams of Integration

Anto will lead a marketing, communications & PR task group to help manage the XML initiative.

Enabling Smart Services This primer was designed to be a guide to the companies and technologies shaping machine-to-machine communications in North America.  Aug/03

Building Performance 2003

We are pleased to be a media sponsor for the Building Performance 2003 event in London on September 16 - 17.


Industrial Strength Web Resources

I feel that it is important in this time of rapid evolution that we take time to look at how the industrial control industry is evolving their parallel path.


Building on BuilConn a review of BuilConn 2003

I do not want the feeling of the last few days at BuilConn to end.  I want to transfer it to all my readers by challenging them to go where they have never gone and do what they have never done, creating a metamorphous to the future. 


Industry Experts Gather to Educate and Cross Pollinate Industry at the Building Connection Forum April 23- 26 in Dallas.  The width and especially the depth of this never before assembled who's who of our industry is clearly going to alter history.


Review of Building Connection Forum (BuilConn) 2003 Agenda

Building Connection Forum (BuilConn) in Dallas April 23 - 25, attaches people to evolving industry concepts and reviews the agenda and identifies must see sessions. 


AHR Expo Chicago in Review

The AHR Expo Building Automation & Control (BAC) Showcase was bulging with excitement and new web based ways and device interconnections. Feb/03

Have you seen the new CABA Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings?

his 60 page glossy roadmap also available in a (66 pages) Adobe Acrobat PDF, 2.3 MB file is an excellent starting point for our large building automation industry to begin its reinvention and repackaging and to get on with the task of helping create an even better roadmap. Jan/03

Building Intelligence & the Internet

"system was referred to as "Internet 0," because it sought to create a layer below today's Internet that provides a foundation for its interface to the physical world "

New Trends in Building Automation - a Panel Discussion  was part of a panel discussion at LonWorld 2002 in Toronto, October 31, 2002.   A  brief review of the session with linkage to pdf print outs of each power point presentation is provided.

Dec 02
The Building Systems Boot Camp

Are you an active part of the Large Building Automation Industry? Take a look at this first time ever CABA event.

Nov 02
Could DALI Be Lighting's Next Breakthrough? I review key points about the new evolving lighting control standard DALI from Craig DiLouie's article in Energy User News.  Oct 02
XML Web Services: Is the End Near?

"protocol work is starting to wind down, the infrastructure is catching up with protocols and it's time to start thinking about applications."

Sept 02

Lighting Controls Association ( LCA )

Here is a great resource for Lighting Control information, the web site includes general education information plus valuable linkage to  manufactures information 

Aug 02

How will XML impact industrial automation?

It appears that the industrial automation industry is also struggling with XML standards for interfaces.

July 02

Building Automation Technology (BBT)
Bachelor of Science Degree (B.S.)

Almost everyone I have ever met in our industry seems to have a "BS" degree, but few have actually been formally trained as automation professionals. I applaud Pennsylvania College of Technology's new course.

Jun 02

MSc in Intelligent Buildings

So you always wanted a MSc in Intelligent Buildings but did not know where to go to get it, here is an option.  Intelligent Building: designed and managed to meet changing environmental, business and human needs May 02
Profit Building Strategies for Competitive Energy Markets A few extracts from and a link to a good PDF article that fits well with our Making Our Own Markets theme Mar 02
CABA Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council CABA has formed the CABA Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Council to help develop the Technology Roadmap Mar 02
AHR 2002 Review Here is a quick review of what we saw and sensed in the industry at the AHR Expo in Atlantic City. Feb 02
COBA (Connected Open Building Automation) Are you aware of this group and how it may impact our industry? Take the time to review their web site and step through their power point presentation. Jan 02
Infra-Red (IR) and Radio-Frequency (RF) are having a significant effect on the global Intelligent Building industry with intelligence to constantly track and identify objects in real time. . Jan 02
Five Free Show Sponsored Sessions on Building Automation

Not a review but a "Preview"  Here is a look at this year's AHR Expo Free Educational Sessions on Automation.

Jan 02
Division 17800 is the Building Automation Industry.

A review with pointers to the proposed Division 17 "Technology and Communication Systems" or TACS.

Nov 01
Five Free Show Sponsored Sessions on Building Automation

Not a review but a "Preview"  Here is the first look at this year's AHR Expo Free Educational Sessions on Automation.

Nov 01
A Review of BAPI's Free Temperature & Humidity Sensor Handbook The intent of the Handbook is to remind and educate busy building automation professionals of the importance of good sensing in the complete building automation loop.  Sept 01
Baja (Building Automation Java Architecture) Baja's movement has the potential to define the building automation application environment with specifications that describe a set of Java APIs and XML schemas for interoperable control system applications. Sept 01
Building Controls Group The Building Control Group of the UK has a great resource online in their Control Sensor Installation Pocket Book. Download and check it out.  I have seen this type of information provided for a manufacturer or a control contractor but not at a control organization level. This looks like an excellent method to improve overall installation standards in the industry. Let me know your thoughts on this.  Jul 01
I ntelligent Building Research from Finland Connections to research papers on how occupants view Intelligent Buildings. A quote from one of the papers "Balancing the human need to control one's own environment, and the human desire to have it made as easy as possible has proved to be not that simple. A reason for this might be the use of new integrated technology in many intelligent buildings, and designers and constructors are not yet mastering it well enough." Jul 01
Wireless Networking Review Next I unplugged my laptop and started roaming all over the house, Yes! I had  wireless internet/network connection everywhere. Out the door and around the house and the signal was still strong and clear. Well beyond my yard I kept clicking, the distant spec was met and exceeded. Yet another de-lighted D-Link customer. May 01
Build Virtually This reviewed web site can show you how to build electronic products over the Internet. May 01
The Wireless Revolution at AHR Expo 2001 Revolutionary products linking us via wireless devices. Mar 01
Green Building Challenge 2000 Extracts from Final Report provided by  Alex Zimmerman, Canadian Team Leader. Mar 01
Convergence of Industrial and Commercial Control The Industrial Controls Industry has had the reality of extremely large projects/budgets, critical control applications and a myriad of control components interfaces from separate manufacturers. These realities allowed the industry to develop powerful software applications built with soft interfaces like DDE, OPC , SCADA, etc. The cost and sophistication of industrial control was not practical for use in the extremely competitive Building Automation Industry.  Jan 01
Fire Detection & Safety Systems The European Market 2000-2005 mission has become to provide you connections to related building automation information that maybe useful to you. The ProPlan web site is one of these sites. Their latest report is highlighted below but visit their web site for many more.  ProPlan will attend the AHR Expo, to launch the second edition of the North American study (two years from the launch of the first). Jan 01
ETI (Extend The Internet) Alliance What?s required is a broad industry consensus that drives the creation of a standard for device networking and that is what the Extend the Internet (ETI) Alliance? is all about. Nov 00
Are You a Wireless Want To Be? Zeus platforms enable OEMs and Systems Integrators to implement reliable, secure, long-range, and low-cost wireless data networks for commercial and industrial applications. Nov 00
On Line Training Often I am asked where can we get training for our Building Automation people?  Whether it is for the orientation of new puppies just entering the industry or for the updating of the old dogs, training and access to current on line information is cardinal for the growth of our industry. Rapid changes with new complex relationships plus protocols are developing daily. Our on line resource/portal has attempted to provide connection to some of the web resources. The following review will provide you a quick summary of the type of information that is available for our industry. Sept 00
TV Based Interface

AutomatedBuildings likes to point out trends that are occurring in other industries that will likely have a significant effect on our industry. Our sponsor Coactive is an active leader in development and deployment of Residential Gateways and this release has a message for our industry because when these concepts become widely accepted in the home the ripple effect will be seen by our industry.

Sept 00
The Object Management Group (OMG) Your editor is always trying to connect you to evolving standards that are effecting our industry. This month we introduce you to OMG and CORBA. July 00
Industry Research and Market Trends The following industry research sites were shared with us by one of our readers. July 00
Ten Observed Trends in eCom for the Building Automation Industry If you had asked me one year ago if I would be writing about my observations of eCom trends for our industry I would have said, eCom would not have a significant effect on our industry. But I would have been wrong.  May 00
Advanced Buildings
 Technologies and Practices web site
Architects, engineers and buildings managers can improve the energy and resource efficiency of commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential buildings through the use of the technologies and practices described in this web site. May 00
Iowa Energy Center's Direct Digital Controls Project The purpose of this web site is to provide the public with unbias ed information on Direct Digital Controls (DDC) and an easy searchable guide to vendors who sell DDC systems. Mar 00
Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi) is an industry group working to define and promote an open standard for connecting the coming generation of smart consumer and small business appliances with commercial Internet services. The Open Services Gateway specification will provide a common foundation for Internet Service Providers, network operators and equipment manufacturers to deliver a wide range of e-services via gateway servers running in the home or remote office. Mar 00
What is WAP? The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open, global specification that empowers mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with information and services instantly. Jan 00
MTC Webfoot The MTC Webfoot is a revolutionary, low-cost solution that collects and stores three channels of utility meter data, transmits it over standard telephone lines, and presents the data to the user via the Internet. Jan 00
AEE on-line courses AEE offers seminars on-line in order to provide students, regardless of location or time constraints, the opportunity to participate in continuing education courses, earn CEU's and receive a certificate of completion. Nov 99
Simplex's Architect and Engineer Community Web Site This site has been designed to meet your requirements for timely, accurate and quality information on products, industry codes, and design applications. Nov 99
Panduit Web Based Training Courses Panduit Corp. Web Based Training Courses offer the solutions to keeping our global automated building installers current with new installation techniques Sept 99
ELI Seizing The Opportunity Electronic Lighting Incorporated's Seizing the Opportunity is a comprehensive, 32-page "possibilities brief" that covers hot-button issues like real-time pricing, integrated resource planning, and power marketing - and turns them substantially to your advantage Sept 99
Belimo Characterizing Disk Control Valve Belimo's Characterizing Disk has give the ball valve a new life as a control device. July 99
EnFlex MG200 The MG-200 is a fully functional TCP/IP network host capable of interfacing with a variety of networks and devices as well as directly metering electricity and indirectly metering water, gas or other meters through built-in pulse counters. July 99
HVAC Soft Tools Tim's HVAC TOOLS is a collection of seventeen hvac software tools. July 99

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