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EMAIL INTERVIEW - Rami Belson & Ken Sinclair

Rami Belson, CEO of Energex Inc .

New LonWorks Solution for the Hospitality Industry

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Sinclair:  Describe the 'nuts and bolts' of your technology

Belson:  Our technology makes use of passive infrared occupancy sensors installed in each guestroom and connected via low voltage wires to a small energy and information unit located inside the room's HVAC unit. When guests leave their rooms, the system can turn down (or up) the temperature, lights, TV's and other selected circuits. The occupancy information is then delivered over the existing structured wiring system into an ILON 100 server which in turn, broadcast the room's occupancy status over an 802.11B network directly to wireless handheld devices issued to housekeeping and management staff members.

Sinclair:  What are some of the advantages of this technology?

Belson:  The first benefit is a dramatic reduction of guestroom energy. Independent testing by PG&E in California and BC Hydro in Canada confirmed HVAC savings of 30 - 40% depending on seasonal weather and occupancy levels. The second most important benefit is that staff and housekeeping members can navigate through the hotel without ever disturbing a guest using what is commonly known as the 'knocks and yells system'.  A housekeeper can turn on her device and get a real time picture of the rooms occupancy status and go directly to the unoccupied rooms which require service. The system can also help the hotel detect unusual occupancy patterns and prompt the management when unsold rooms are occupied - the hotel industry estimates that nearly one percent of its revenues is lost to the practice of 'shrinkage'. The system can also facilitate quicker evacuation of the building during emergency situations.

Sinclair:  What is the significance of your new technology?

Belson:  The new SentryWatt system marks a radically new direction in the management of hotel rooms. We have presented the industry with a remarkable tool which can address every aspect of their operations and help them achieve better guest experience with far greater efficiency. Because the technology relies on off the shelf hardware and devices - dramatic payback period can be achieved, rooms can be deployed in less than one hour and technology which was only dreamed of a few years ago - is now a reality.


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