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Does owning the meters make you smarter? Only if you do smart things with them.

If we own the smart meter or collection of sub-meters we no longer need to deal with other people politics.

Ken Sinclair,

T he whole smart meter movement has unearthed some questionable thinking while exposing some real motives. As the concept of smart grid and its essential connectivity piece smart metering, sinks into the political mire led by lobbyists who have proliferated the central control of our utility companies for the last 100 years, it looks like the B2G industry has suffered yet another set back. It is clear that it is only a set back as smart metering coupled with smart grid is a necessity to move forward in our uncertain energy future. We now understand what most utility companies were calling smart metering was a one way dumb connection to their cash register, funded by the people. We question its smartness in the evolving open connected information model world. We had all imagined meters for the people with open information and two way interactions. This was not to be and it appears the job of dinosaur tipping in the politics of the electrical utility industry is far from done. It seems that the utility industry and its lobbyists have seized this opportunity to fund the replacement of their aging meters, a normal cost of doing business, by convincing folks that somehow their closed meters financed by public funds will lead to a smart grid. As if this concept does not make any sense in itself they have exclusively focused their windfall on the residential markets, the smallest part of the energy pie, because buildings do not vote.

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