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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog The Behold User Forum

sue-adams (sue adams) Comments and Posts

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Results 1 - 3 of 3 total.    3 blog comments.    0 forum posts.

Source Based Document Organization - Blog comment by sue adams - 11 Jun 2013

In effect, we create our own archives during the course of researching our genealogy. So, taking the time to learn the basics of archival principles pays off. Sarah did just that. I have recently blogged about preserving the provenance of my personal collection using archival principles ...

Consistency Checking - Blog comment by sue adams - 7 Nov 2012

Ideally consistency checking should be happening at all stages. Checking at data entry or import helps cut down on new errors. Checking prior to report production reduces the need to proof read the report. The seemless, non-irritating incorporation of checking is the challenge. Presumably you have decided ...

Sort of a Date - Blog comment by sue adams - 6 Dec 2011

I didn't know about the CAL, INT and EST modifiers, but as a user, I have not studied the GEDCOM standards. That program vendors don't get it is just scandalous! Thank you for your insights.
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