A Bad Case of Writer's Block Isn't Always a Dirth of Creativity

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I know I've never been the most cherished author here, but this has always been the place I felt most comfortable sharing my creativity. I love writing, and I love stories, both reading them and sharing them, and for much of the last 10 years BC has been THE place I did so.

That said, writing isn't the only creative endeavor I enjoy. I fancy myself a bit of an amateur artist (read "I like to draw but I'm not that great at it,") as well as a musician (read "the same thing but with a tune attached.") The last year or so, it's the latter that has taken most of my creative energies as I've experimented with various programs, both free and technically-paid-but-free-without-pirating-if-you-do-it-right. I've even been sharing the music I've created via SoundCloud, and -- though it's under my *ugh* "male" name, I still want to share it here with y'all.

My SoundCloud music page

Maybe there will be something here you like. Maybe you'll find it all a bore. Either way, it's there for you to check out (or not,) to comment on here or there (or not,) and even for you to download and share at your leisure (or, again, not.) At the very least it serves to show that, even though my writing efforts have proven less than stellar throughout 2016 and the beginning of 2017, I've still been keeping at something that helps to express myself.

Personally, I think the highlights are "The Trial," "Cardinal Sins," and "Tragedy of the Bonnie Prince," though the track that seems to get the most attention is "Quiet Solitude." Also, pretty much everything older than "Fink" is borderline unlistenable given the much better quality of the later stuff -- it was a different, far less capable program, and it shows :)

Anyway, I guess y'all could call this my way of reaching out and letting everyone know I'm still around. Hopefully my writing will pick up again soon, 'cause I've still got a lot of stories to tell, and to finish. Until then, well, at least you have some music, right?

Melanie E.


Thanks, Melanie...

Listened to around ten of the tracks. Electronic music isn't something I have much experience with or expertise in, so I can't say much beyond a generic comment like "interesting". OK, one: "Quiet Solitude" seems like a good track to back up a planetarium show -- probably thought of that because I was in the planetarium here in San Francisco for an illustrated lecture last night. It's definitely the one among those you identified that I liked the most. (And I agreed with your observation about "Bonnie Prince" being way too long.)

Best, Eric

As if we don't understand

Who cares what some people might or might not think. It's what you think and how you feel about yourself that counts. I find you interesting and you posted some great stories. We all have our peaks and toughs I think your many fans on this site understand you by now and we can wait. You don't do rubbish and perhaps you just need to feel appreciated to kick you back into gear. Make your mind up to post a story this weekend and just watch the hits.Hugs


Real World and other stories

I spend a lot of time Photographing Landscapes, Wildlife and Industrial Archaeology.
Every year I produce a Limited Edition Calendar which I either give away or sell and donate the profits to Bloodwise.
Cape Dissapointment, Washington State.
BR Standard 2-6-4T at Bolton (East Lancs Railway)

Then there is my love of riding my Triumph Trophy. I was out on it today and covered close on 100miles.

Drat, all these things seem to get in the way of writing...But that does not stop the dreaming up of plot lines. Some actually get turned into stories if they are just not too wierd or just bizzare.


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