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I've been busy (slowly) writing a story and with real life but I promise that I will indeed write the next chapter in Neko Necro and the follow up sequel to Soap. But in the meantime I was wondering if I should separate the stories in my double short story collection. Since it would affect you readers, I thought the decision to should be left up to you. Would it be easier separating them into their own posts so you can read the story you want without having to scroll past the one you don't? Or is it fine as is and continue this with other short stories in the future.

I will consider what people would like most in this regard.


I vote for separate

My vote is to separate them. If I want to read just one story, I will, but am then likely to forget that I haven't yet read the second.

Separate, Please

terrynaut's picture

I vote to separate them. The only way I can remember how far I've read is to keep my computer on with a browser tab scrolled to my last position. I don't like to keep my computer on so it would be easier for me to read separate stories. :)

- Terry

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