Bullies & Guns [Drew Leighton #5] on Amazon

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Bullies with Guns, is the fifth book in the Drew Leighton series of novels. These books are a fun easy read with engaging characters.

Ripped from the headlines, students will appear at high school with guns. Fair Warning, NO STUDENTS OR TEACHERS DIE, but students do bring guns to school and there is shooting in the school office.

After bullying and harassing Drew and friends at school, several students were expelled. As their lives are crashing around them, those students want to blame someone other than themselves. They gather guns and head to school to get even with Drew and his friends for accusing them and helping the police.

This story is a realistic portrayal of students who have access to guns using said guns in an effort to attack or hurt people they want to blame.

Drew and his best friend Lacy will assist in the evacuation of students and teachers. Later, Drew will negotiate to trade himself in order to save a shooting victim. Of course, the shooters have no idea about Drew’s martial arts skills.

In the second part of this story, Drew is asked to help authorities protect a high profile daughter of an elected official.

Drew is finding out who he is in the world and helping others is high on the list.

Along the way, Drew and Lacy decide to investigate a more personal relationship and go out on a few dates.

In this book, Drew uses his skills to resolve several cases of assault involving guns.

Near the end of the book, we will see how government authorities can sometimes bully innocent people in a thirst for their own definition of justice.

Bullies look for weakness or something that sets someone apart from others. Anything unusual can draw the attention of a bully. High school is an environment ripe with opportunity for bullies. As children grow up body changes lead to physical changes and hygiene requirements. Big kids and little kids, athletes and nerds, heritage or specialized interests which may be unusual can all result in a student being isolated or identified as a victim of opportunity for a bully.

Drew Leighton, a high school sophomore, was born male and experienced a case of gynecomastia which resulted in real breasts which do not seem to be going away. He is under a doctor’s care now and is attending school as a female student with a doctor’s note explaining that he is transgendered in his pocket. No one at the school is aware of Drew’s true gender except for his friend Lacy. Drew is trying to understand his body and his sexuality in different ways than all the other high school students around him.

Together, Drew and Lacy have encountered and helped resolve a number of cases of bullying.

While this book can be read as a standalone, it is the fifth book in the Drew Leighton series.

Thank you for reading onDaring Diane


This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Just bought it!

This series has gotten better with each book. Looking forward to this latest!


helloWhere is the amazon website link for the book?

Do an author search for

Do an author search for Daring Diane. The book is at the top of the list. The title search brings up too much 'hazzerei'.


The link was unavailable when I made the post.
It often changes int eh first day.
i will add it tomorrow.
Thanks for Reading

just what I wanted in the next Bullies book

I had really hoped to see Drew in a situation where the authorities asked Anna/Bart for help and they suggested Drew. But this was so much better than I imagined. Also, the early part of the book with the expansion of the martial arts part of Drew's life where really well done.

All in all, the imagination of the author really shines and many details work out really well. I loved the plot, and of course the characters are great.

I just worry that Lacy's parents will freak if they ever find out the truth about some of these situations.

It looked like Drew's Mom almost talked to Lacy's Mom about Drew, but didn't quite make it there.

I sat down and read this book in one sitting, as usual with Daring Diane's books. This book is better edited that some of the previous books.

I think the next book could include some homophobes with Drew and Lacy's apparent lesbian relationship, and Kelly and some others could have an interesting reaction to it. Also, there could be churches for/against.

I love the idea that those FBI agents and the Secret Service could be back.

I love the formal language Drew uses to describe some situations, "a sexual interaction was suggested and rejected" is such a euphemism for rape.

I just finished the book and am now going to re-read it - twice in one day!

Glad you enjoyed it.

i appreciate the quick feedback.
If you have a chance, Amazon and Goodreads feedback are always appreciated.Thank you for Reading,

I was supposed to be writing

But when I posted WITCO 7 this morning I saw this post and spent the day reading instead. So if anyone expected the next part of Gluteus Maximiss today it's all Diane's fault. Review on Amazon to follow shortly.

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs


It's usually not the bullies bringing guns to school, it's the kids who's lives have been made a living hell by bullies that typically bring them...


A very nice addition to the series.

I am a little unsure about the direction this storry is evolving since it originally started out with problems in school and the general topic of bullying. The last part of this fith book as well as the "What's next" part indicate that this will evolve to a greater scale than "just bullying in school" even though I have to admit that goverment bullying is a topic and hits the main theme.

I still like the story and look forward to how the relationship between the two main characters ( ;) ) will evolve.

Best wishes from Germany and keep healthy in these times.


Love this series!

Aine Sabine's picture

I really enjoyed this series and hope that you continue with it. The questions you listed at the end really got me curious where our favorite protagonists go in the future!


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