Doppler Press

A word from our sponsor:

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A few years ago, I asked Erin if she would be interested in publishing Peaches through Doppler Press. I agreed to donate all proceeds to the maintenance of BC.

I wasn’t sure what to think and frankly sort of washed my hands of it and didn't think much about how many books were being sold. Last summer, Erin told me about the amount of money the sales of my books have generated. I was amazed and gratified.

I read a lot of books. Most of the books published in the TG genre are poorly edited and badly formatted. I’ve been quite pleased with the care given in presenting my books. Erin has done a few of the covers -- Rasufelle (Mel) has done a few. They’re both wonderful artists.

Doppler also does a great job on promotion. Currently, only one of my books is ranked in the top 100 for Teen and Young Adult LGBT Fiction sales on Amazon. At times this year, up to five of my books have been in the top 100 at the same time. Currently, eleven of my books are on top 500 sales lists on Amazon. That doesn’t happen without the efforts made by Doppler Press.

As a business person, I’m conscious of Return On Investment. The ROI of the donations I’ve made to BC has been much more than satisfactory.

Thank you to all those at Doppler and to Erin for her ongoing efforts to make BC what it is and has been for many years. And, thank you to all who have supported BC by buying my books.



Thanks, hon

erin's picture

DopplerPress is like a dream come through for me. We've taken a month hiatus in putting out books (for various reasons) but should be back on schedule next week.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I'll add my thanks to Erin and her staff

With her and their help I never would have realized my dream of being a published author. Having my name on the same list with such SciFi greats as Aurthur C. Clark, Ben Bova, Jerry Pournelle is great ego candy as well.

Thanks also go to everyone who encouraged me to write. Prue Walker, Nerrine 10, KimEm, Pickles and Sapphire, as well as all those who have read and commented on my scribblings.

That all of the earnings from my books go to help support Top Shelf is a great way I have to pay it forward.

Now that our long, 4 year nightmare is ended, I can hope that 2021 will be a much better year for all of us.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.Y_0.jpg

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