학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2015년 봄 (04/22 ~ 04/24, 제주 ICC)
권호 21권 1호, p.994
발표분야 촉매 및 반응공학
제목 The First-Principles approach to the interplay of Ligand Effect and Strain Effect in Enhanced Dehydrogenation of HCOOH on the Bimetallic M-Pd Core-Shell Catalyst
초록 Formic acid (HCOOH) is a low-toxic chemical that can be easily stored, transferred, and handled. Currently, it was found that among the noble metal catalysts, the activity for the H 2 production via HCOOH decomposition is enhanced on Pd catalysts, however, the selectivity to H 2 production is still to be improved. To solve such issue, the bimetallic alloy Metal-Pd Core-Shell has been proposed to improve both the catalytic activity and selectivity of Pd toward H 2 production from HCOOH decomposition.  In this work, we constructed metal core, such as Ir, Pt, Au, Cu, Ag and Rh with the monolayer Pd-Shell. Our results indicate that Pdmono/Cu (111) has the best H 2 productivity and selectivity, due to the drastic transfer of charge from Cu-core to the surface Pd atoms, which ultimately modifies the electronic structure of the Pd-shell.  Moreover, the electronic structure of the Pd-shell is changed by synergistic effect of the compressive strain effect and the ligand contribution. This work hints on the importance of properly engineering the surface activity of the M-Pd core-shell catalysts by the interplay between ligand and strain effects.
저자 조진원 1 , 이상헌 1 , 한종희 1 , 남석우 1 , 이관영 2 , 함형철 1
소속 1 한국과학기술(연), 2 고려대
키워드 Core-Shell ; DFT ; Computational Simulation
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