학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2016년 봄 (04/06 ~ 04/08, 대전컨벤션센터)
권호 41권 1호
발표분야 고분자구조 및 물성
제목 The Influence of End group capping on Thin film Morphologies in Miktoarm Star Polymers
초록 We have investigated the influence of end group capping on thin film morphologies and thermal behavior with GIXS, TGA and DSC in two series of crystalline-crystalline miktoarm star polymers (poly(n-hexyl isocyanate)(5k,10k)-poly(ε-caprolactone) 1-3 (10k,17k)). Rregardless of the length of PHIC arm as well as the length and number of PCL arm, all miktoarm star polymers always developed only lamellar structure in toluene- and chloroform-annealed films via phase-separation. Despite having highly imbalanced volume fractions, lamellar structure was constructed in the films of miktoarm star polymers through the override of volume fraction rule based on the rigid chain properties, self-assembling characteristics, conformational asymmetry, and compressibilities of PHIC and PCL arms. Overall, in diverse annealing conditions with solvents the thin films of miktoarm polymers demonstrated very interesting but unusual, very complex hierarchical structures in the solvent-annealed thin films.
저자 김창섭 1 , 김영용 1 , 이문호 2
소속 1 포항공대 첨단재료, 2 포항공대 화학과
키워드 miktoarm polymer ; GIXS ; morphology
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