학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2016년 봄 (05/02 ~ 05/04, 여수 엑스포 컨벤션)
권호 20권 1호
발표분야 전기화학_포스터
제목 Synthesis of hollow core-shell CuCo 2 O 4 spheres as an anode material for lithim ion batteries
초록 The hollow core-shell CuCo 2 O 4 spheres are synthesized by coating glucose-based carbon template with the metal precursors (copper nitrate and cobalt nitrate) through a solvothermal method, and followed by calcination process leading to Ostwald ripening. The hollow core-shell structure is very suitable for enhancing electrochemical performance by offering high surface area, high pore volume, and well-developed interior spaces accommodating volume variation. Thus, the morphology composed of hollow core-hsell for CuCo 2 O 4 spheres enables to improve the rate capability and sustain electrochemical stability. The hollow core-shell CuCo 2 O 4 anode delivers high specific capacity of 664 mAh g-1 at 500 mA g-1 compared to conventional CuCo 2 O 4 anodes.
저자 신하은 , 이완진
소속 전남대
키워드 Electrochemistry ; anode ; core-shell
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