학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2017년 봄 (04/26 ~ 04/28, ICC 제주)
권호 23권 1호, p.1225
발표분야 촉매 및 반응공학
제목 Beneficial effect of carbon addition on the slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue
초록 The slurry phase hydrocracking is widely known suitable for heavy oil upgrading like vacuum residue. However, the dispersed catalysts often suffer from deactivation upon reaction severity. This study focuses on maintaining the stability and activity of dispersed catalyst in the course of slurry phase hydrocracking of vacuum residue. Various reaction conditions including reaction temperature, H2 pressure, and time were applied to investigate the factors influencing the structure and activity of oil-dispersed MoS2 catalyst.  In particular, the addition effect of carbon materials in the hydrocracking of vacuum residue was examined. Characterizations of catalyst stability were made by TEM, EXAFS, and ICP-AES.  Repetitive reaction tests for VR hydrocracking revealed that reaction severity of temperature above 420oC and H2 pressure less than 80 bar led to the growth of MoS2 slab, resulting in deactivation. In contrast, the addition of carbon materials considerably enhanced the catalytic stability and activity, with maintain the MS2 slab size less than 10 nm.
저자 김성호 , 이용걸
소속 단국대
키워드 촉매 및 반응공학
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