학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2019년 봄 (05/01 ~ 05/03, 부산 벡스코(BEXCO))
권호 23권 1호
발표분야 생체재료_포스터
제목 Intraperitoneal adhesive patch: A novel approach for bio-adhesives
초록 Herein, we report a fluid-resistant adhesive intraperitoneal (IP) patch that seals intestinal neo-anastomosis sites, preventing anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery. Dressing with IP patches reliably seals intestinal incision sites, resulting in significant reduction of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery. Additionally, IP patches can act as unprecedented local drug reservoirs due to the tissue adhesive property. Drug-loaded IP patches successfully treated multiple-site occurrence of small peritoneal cancerous colonies. Thus, the multi-functionality of IP patches can be usefully exploited as an adhesive biomaterial that works effectively in difficult-to-treat diseases observed in intraperitoneal environments.
저자 류지현
소속 원광대
키워드 peritoneum ; adhesive ; patch ; anastomosis ; cancer
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