학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2019년 가을 (10/09 ~ 10/11, 제주컨벤션센터)
권호 44권 2호
발표분야 기조강연
제목 Some Surprises and New Research Opportunities in Polymer Research
초록 This talk will discuss some new research directions in polymer science that I have been privileged to undertake since moving to South Korea 5 years ago. In the field of polymer chemistry, we find that chemical reactions can enhance reactant and product mobility beyond that anticipated in textbooks, and we apply this to click chemistry and polymerization using Grubbs catalysts. In the field of polymer physics, we find that electron microscopy of individual macromolecules in liquid can give real-time observation of their self-assembly, including error production and error correction along their path to the equilibrium states. I will highlight what I perceive to be new opportunities for Korean polymer science in particular, capitalizing on special strengths we have in Korea.
저자 Steve Granick
소속 IBS Center for Soft and Living Matter/Department of Chemistry
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