학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2019년 가을 (10/30 ~ 11/01, 제주국제컨벤션센터(ICC JEJU))
권호 23권 2호
발표분야 포스터_생체재료
제목 Preparation of Photo-curable Hydrogel Gelatin Derivatives for Injectable Drug Delivery
초록 Photo-immobilization techniques can be used to immobilize protein drugs in the body and to maintain the drug constantly. The drug immobilization material is a natural polymer that should have biocompatibility, biodegradability and low toxicity. In the food industry and drug delivery, gelatin has been selected as a harmless substance in this study, and photo-cured gelatin derivatives have the property of becoming hydrogel upon dissolution, making them suitable for application as protein drug immobilization and injections. 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopy were demonstrated that azido group was introduced into Gelatin. In addition, cell proliferation experiments confirmed whether the immobilized protein drug had a lasting effect and was harmless in the body. The ability to immobilize drug was confirmed by fluorescent protein using fluorescence microscope. Based on these characteristics, Az-Gelatin is expected to be application in medical field.
저자 이태훈 , 김신웅 , 민성준 , 손태일
소속 중앙대
키워드 Gelatin ; Photo-immobilization techniques ; Az-Gelatin ; protein drugs ; biocompatibility ; biodegradability
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