학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2020년 가을 (10/28 ~ 10/30, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터(Kimdaejung Convention Center))
권호 24권 1호
발표분야 학생우수논문발표(박사과정)
제목 Enhancement of Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production performances by applying M13 bacteriophage template Superaerophobic Hydrogels.
초록 The efficient removal of gas bubbles in (photo)electrochemical gas evolution reaction is very important in terms of electrochemical active surface area. Recently, many researchers have attempted to impart bubble-repellent properties to electrodes; however, most the these methods can only be applied to a specific material, lacking universality. We report a simple strategy that addresses existing limitations by depositing hydrogels to achieve superaerophobicity to desired electrode surfaces. In this study, we deposited a M13 bacteriophage template transparent hydrogel onto electrochemical and photochemical electrodes. The deposited hydrogel overlayer facilitated the elimination of produced hydrogen bubbles and significantly improved the electrodes’ performances by minimizing the concentration overpotential and maintaining high catalytic activity. We believe that this study can contribute to the practical application of various types of (photo)electrochemical gas-evolution reactions.
저자 박진우 , 전다솜 , 신창환 , 장지욱 , 류정기 , 이동욱
키워드 Bio material ; hydrogel ; HER
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