학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2021년 가을 (10/20 ~ 10/22, 경주컨벤션센터)
권호 46권 2호
발표분야 기능성 고분자
제목 Dynamic Behavior of PEG-based hydrogels in Biological Environment
초록 Hydrogels are water-swollen polymer networks that have found a range of applications from drug delivery to regenerative medicine. Historically, their design has consisted mainly of static systems and those that undergo simple degradation. However, advances in polymer synthesis and processing have led to a new generation of dynamic systems that are capable of responding to artificial triggers and biological signals with spatial precision. These systems will open up new possibilities for hydrogels as model biological structures and in tissue regeneration. In this contribution, I will present the evolution of hydrogel design towards dynamic behavior and particularly emphasize recent developments in hydrogel design that offer the ability to precisely control trigger-responsive properties.
저자 배세원
소속 제주대
키워드 PEG ; Hydrogel ; Trigger-responsive
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