학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2021년 가을 (10/20 ~ 10/22, 경주컨벤션센터)
권호 46권 2호
발표분야 기능성 고분자
제목 Luminescent characteristics of transparent carbon dot/epoxy composites
초록 Carbon dots, which can emit strong photoluminescence (PL), are being widely used because of their high cost-effectiveness and biocompatibility. However, the PL characteristics of carbon dots rapidly degrade in air and thus it is considerably difficult to put them into various practical applications. The surface functional groups and PL properties of carbon dots were determined by type of precursors, which were used for epoxy curing. The resulting carbon dot/epoxy (CDE) composites showed significant retention in PL intensity even after long-term storage in the ambient environment. More importantly, the CDE composites were readily patterned on substrates, which showed great potential in anticounterfeiting.
저자 김민진 , 이지선 , 윤현석
소속 전남대
키워드 Epoxy ; Carbon dot ; Luminescent ; Anticounterfeiting
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