학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2022년 봄 (04/06 ~ 04/08, 대전컨벤션센터)
권호 47권 1호
발표분야 대학원생 구두발표(토론I): 미래전자산업에서의 유기전자소재
제목 Thermal conductivity of nanocarbon/polymer composites with high filler content fabricated using low-viscosity resin
초록 Due to the miniaturization of electronic devices, interest in lightweight materials exhibiting heat dissipation performance is increasing. It is known that the thermal conductivity of polymer composites containing nanocarbons, such as graphene (~3000 W/m·K) and carbon nanotubes (~3000 W/m·K), is limited by the interfacial thermal resistance and the contact thermal resistance. Recently, many studies have been reported on the thermal percolation of polymer composites due to the contact between fillers occurring above a certain content of graphene (> 15 vol%). In this study, polymer composites with high filler content were prepared using low melt viscosity resins to induce contact between the nanocarbons in the structure. In addition, the thermal conductivity of the fabricated composites was investigated experimentally and theoretically.
저자 장지운 1 , 김성훈 1 , 김성륜 2
소속 1 한양대, 2 전북대
키워드 Composites ; Nanocarbon fillers ; Thermal conductivity
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