학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2022년 봄 (04/06 ~ 04/08, 대전컨벤션센터)
권호 47권 1호
발표분야 콜로이드 및 분자조립 부문위원회
제목 Vertically layered supercapacitor within a single sheet of paper by using hydrophobic barriers
초록 Paper, which is thin, light, flexible, and highly porous, has emerged as a next-generation energy-storage material. Here, we introduce a facile technology for fabricating a supercapacitor based on a single sheet of paper, in which the electrodes are vertically separated by the patterning of hydrophobic barriers. Two electrodes can be simultaneously sectionalized as active layers and current collectors in a single-layer porous paper supercapacitor, such that the gel electrolyte infiltrates the device without any additional assembly. The solid-state supercapacitor with vertically layered electrodes exhibits a large areal capacitance of 560.2 mF cm−2, and stable flexibility and foldability. The maximum power and energy densities were 1.597 mW cm−2 and 28.74 μWh cm−2. This technology is promising for applications such as flexible energy storage devices and other paper-electrode applications such as batteries and wearable electronic devices.
저자 오인혁 , 김나연 , 장석태
소속 중앙대
키워드 flexible energy storage devices ; paper supercapacitors ; hydrophobic barriers ; solution process ; metal electrodes
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