학회 한국공업화학회
학술대회 2022년 봄 (05/11 ~ 05/13, 제주국제컨벤션센터(ICC JEJU))
권호 26권 1호
발표분야 포스터-생체재료
제목 Heat and pressure soft lithography- and plasma-based multiscale topographic scaffolds for soft and hard tissue regeneration
초록 Here, we present an analysisof nanoscale deformation of PDMS molds in response to heat and pressure duringthe repetitive molding process of thermoplastic polymers. The width and heightof the nanoridges of PDMS molds decreased as the number of replications ofthermoplastic polymers increased. Using the precisely controlled deformation ofnanostructures in PDMS molds, we demonstrated that nanostructures of differentsizes can be fabricated on representative thermoplastic and UV-curable polymers.Using the precisely tunable methodologies of nanostructures, we propose amethodology to fabricate hierarchical multiscale scaffolds with controlledhydrophilic and hydrophobic properties by employing capillary force lithographyin combination with oxygen plasma modification. In response to multiscalenanotopographic and chemically modified surface cues, the O-FMN patch enhancedregeneration of the mineralized fibrocartilage tissue of the tendon–boneinterface and the calvarial bone tissue.​
저자 김우찬 , 권용현 , 박선호 , 김장호
소속 전남대
키워드 Nanoscale deformation ; PDMS Mold ; Thermoplastic polymer ; Bioinspired scaffold ; Multiscale topography ; nanotopograpy ; plasma modification ; tissue engineering
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