학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2022년 가을 (10/05 ~ 10/07, 대구컨벤션센터)
권호 47권 2호
발표분야 고분자가공/복합재료/재활용
제목 A Biodegradable and Sustainable Polymeric Nanocomposite based on Microfibrillated Cellulose Coated with Polylactic Acid
초록 A biodegradable and sustainable polymer composite (BSPC) based on polylactic acid (PLA) and microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) is prepared, and its mechanical properties are examined in this study. PLA-coated MFCs are prepared by blending PLA colloids and MFCs in an aqueous solution. While pristine MFCs are intrinsically highly aggregated with each other due to strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding interaction, PLA colloids induce effective exfoliation of aggregated MFCs. BSPC is then produced by thermally blending PLA with PLA-coated MFCs. It is concluded that the improved compatibility between PLA and PLA-coated MFCs is responsible for the excellent mechanical properties of BSPC compared to pure PLA.
저자 권하늬 1 , 권오경 1 , 홍평화 1 , 배성호 2 , 류재호 3 , 정현욱 4 , 홍성우 1
소속 1 한국생산기술(연), 2 LG화학 석유화학사업본부, 3 한솔제지(주) 중앙(연), 4 고려대
키워드 biodegradable polymers ; polylactic acid ; microfibrillated cellulose ; cellulose ; colloid
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