학회 한국고분자학회
학술대회 2022년 가을 (10/05 ~ 10/07, 대구컨벤션센터)
권호 47권 2호
발표분야 기능성 고분자
제목 A study on draw solute using benzenesulfonate-based ionic liquid for forward osmosis
초록 A series of phosphonium-based ionic liquids (ILs) based on benzenesulfonate derivatives (tetrabutylphosphonium benzenesulfonate ([TBP][BS]), tetrabutylphosphonium 4-methylbenzenesulfonate ([TBP][MBS]), tetrabutylphosphonium 2,4-dimethylbenzenesulfonate ([TBP][DMBS]), and tetrabutylphosphonium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate ([TBP][TMBS])) were synthesized via anion exchange with tetrabutylphosphonium bromide ([TBP][Br]). Then, we characterized the ILs and investigated their suitability as draw solutes for forward osmosis (FO). We found that aqueous [TBP][BS] was not thermoresponsive, but 20 wt% aqueous [TBP][MBS], [TBP][DMBS], and [TBP][TMBS] had lower critical solution temperatures (LCSTs) of approximately 41, 25, and 21 °C, respectively. Based on these findings, 20 wt% aqueous [TBP][DMBS] was tested for its FO performance, and the water and reverse solute fluxes were found to be approximately 9.29 LMH and 1.37 GMH, respectively, in active layer facing the draw solution (AL-DS) mode.
저자 양다은 , 강효
소속 동아대
키워드 forward osmosis ; thermoresponsive ionic liquid ; draw solute ; lower critical solution temperature ; benzenesulfonate derivative
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