학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2005년 봄 (04/22 ~ 04/23, 여수대학교)
권호 11권 1호, p.327
발표분야 분체공학
제목 Hydrothermal stability of mesoporous silica modified with oleic acid
초록 Silicate mesoporous materials were synthesized with non-ionic surfactant and their surfaces were modified by oleic acid adsorption. Infrared spectometer (IR), the change of pore size distribution by BJH method, scaning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG) were used to investigate the structure of modified SiO 2 mesoporous material. The effect of heat-treatment at various temperature on oleic acid modified materials were also studied. Oleic acids on silica surfaces are bonded chemically and physically, and are capable of enduring to 180℃. The adsorbed oleic acid improved the hydrothermal stability of mesoporous silica and assist mesopore structure to grow more in hydrothermal treatment process by preventing the approach of water.
저자 박제현 1 , 박재구 1 , 신희영 2
소속 1 한양대, 2 한국지질자원(연)
키워드 mesoporous materials ; surface modification ; hydrothermal stability ; oleic acid
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