학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2014년 봄 (04/23 ~ 04/25, 창원컨벤션센터)
권호 20권 1호, p.703
발표분야 재료
제목 Fabrication of thermally stable rod-shaped (BaSr)CO 3 -SiO 2 core-shell particles
초록 In the present abstract, we report the fabrication of rod-shape core-shell particles, in which rod-shape (BaSr)CO 3 crystals are coated with a mesoporous silica shell. First, the rod-shape core crystals of (BaSr)CO 3 are prepared by the co-crystallization, in which the Sr ions are incorporated to the barium-based matrix. Then, the nano silica particles are allowed to be deposited on the surface of the core crystals, finally fabricating the core-shell structure of the (BaSr)CO 3 -SiO 2 particles in rode shape. The silica shell thickness can be controlled by changing the concentration of TEOS, reaction temperature and hydrodynamic conditions. The influencing factors to the formation of rod-shaped (BaSr)CO 3 -SiO 2 core-shell particles are investigated by using SEM, TEM, powder XRD, and other spectroscopy tools.
저자 Chen Xuncai , 김우식
소속 경희대
키워드 Rod-shaped; Core-shell structure; Co-precipitation; Mesoporous
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