학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2015년 가을 (10/21 ~ 10/23, 일산 KINTEX)
권호 21권 2호, p.2518
발표분야 WISET 2015 여대학(원)생 팀제 연구지원 사업 결과 발표
제목 A study on temperature sensor using a graphene oxide/polymer composite

  A temperature sensing material of graphene oxide (GO)/polymer composite was developed to replace a semiconductor temperature sensor of NTC-thermistor. To evaluate the suitability of the composite for temperature sensor, we measured surface resistivities dependent on temperature and the thickness of the composite thin film. Similar to NTC-thermistor, the resistivities of composites were decreased as the temperature was increased. However, the composites shows a straight line in a temperature range between room temperature and 400 ℃, while the NTC has a curved line, a typical characteristic of semiconductor. This result indicates that the composite  has a superior property as a temperature sensing material.  
저자 노기연 , 이유진 , 정주라
소속 신라대
키워드 sensor ; graphene
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