학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2017년 가을 (10/25 ~ 10/27, 대전컨벤션센터)
권호 23권 2호, p.1613
발표분야 분리기술
제목 Disordering of LTA Zeolite for Continuous Tuning of Molecular Sieving Effect
초록 The 'molecular sieving effect' of zeolites has enabled size-selective adsorption and catalysis. Although a large variety of zeolites have been developed, it is still challenging to find zeolites that can separate molecules such as CO 2 , N 2 , CH 4 and small organics that have kinetic diameters all closely located in the range of 0.3 – 0.4 nm. Here we demonstrate that controlled collapse or atomic disordering of NaA zeolite can systematically narrow the effective pore size below 0.4 nm. In zeolite chemistry, it has been known that full decationization (i.e., replacing extra-framework Na+ cations with H+) of highly aluminous zeolites (Si/Al ~ 1.0) results in a complete loss of zeolite crystallinity. However, the phenomenon has not been carefully investigated due to a lack of scientific interests in such ill-defined materials. As the zeolite is gradually disordered, the adsorption amounts for all gas molecules decrease; however, larger molecules show a much faster decrease than that of the smaller ones. Consequently, the adsorption selectivities could be remarkably enhanced for various gas pairs.
저자 김현빈 , 김채훈 , 최민기
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