학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2019년 봄 (04/24 ~ 04/26, 제주국제컨벤션센터)
권호 25권 1호, p.1134
발표분야 4차 산업혁명 시대의 안전규제 심포지엄(화학공정안전부문위원회)
제목 Digitalization of the Chemical Industry – how to ensure safety and security in a rapidly changing environment
초록 Abstract: Digitalization is becoming a reality in many areas these days and will be a decisive factor also for traditional businesses like chemical industry. To be successful and competitive in the future, a successful digital transformation will play a key role for many companies. But digitalization also implies that requirements regarding safety and security are changing. The demand of interconnected “smart” factories reaches beyond the existing traditional set of standards and regulations, thus classical TIC (testing, inspection, certification) services will be innovated along with the digitalization.
저자 Helge Knobbe
소속 TUV SUD Korea
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