학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2021년 봄 (04/21 ~ 04/23, 부산 BEXCO)
권호 27권 1호, p.101
발표분야 신진연구자 심포지엄
제목 A New Interface for Faster Proteoform Analysis
초록 Different proteoform products of the same gene can exhibit differing associations with health and disease, and their patterns of modifications may offer more precise markers of phenotypic differences between individuals. However, currently employed protein-biomarker discovery and quantification tools, such as bottom-up proteomics and ELISAs, are mostly proteoform-unaware. Moreover, the current throughput for proteoform-level analyses by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for quantitative top-down proteomics is incompatible with population-level biomarker surveys requiring robust, faster proteoform analysis. To this end, we developed immunoprecipitation coupled to SampleStream Mass Spectrometry as a high-throughput, automated technique for targeted quantification of proteoforms. The data show IP-SampleStream-MS to be a robust, scalable workflow for high-throughput associations of proteoforms to phenotypes.
저자 박해민
소속 충남대
키워드 Top-Down Proteomics ; Mass Spectrometry ; Biomarker Discovery ; Protein Purification
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