학회 한국화학공학회
학술대회 2022년 봄 (04/20 ~ 04/23, 제주국제컨벤션센터)
권호 28권 1호, p.38
발표분야 신진 연구자 심포지엄
제목 Sculpting Plasmonic Responses of Nanoparticles in Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals
초록 Spatial confinement of matter in functional nanostructures has propelled these systems to the forefront of nanoscience, both as a playground for exotic physics and quantum phenomena and in multiple applications including plasmonics, optoelectronics, and sensing. In parallel, the emergence of monochromated electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) has enabled exploration of local nanoplasmonic functionalities within single nanoparticles and the collective response of nanoparticle assemblies, providing deep insight into associated mechanisms. However, modern synthesis processes for plasmonic nanostructures are often limited in the types of accessible geometry, and materials and are limited to spatial precisions on the order of tens of nm, precluding the direct exploration of critical aspects of the structure-property relationships. Here, the atomic-sized probe of the scanning transmission electron microscope is used to perform precise sculpting and design nanoparticle configurations. Using low-loss EELS, dynamic analyses of the evolution of the plasmonic response are provided.
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