iOS - Limited Facebook Login - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Limited Login for iOS

Limited Login allows developers to signal that a login is limited in terms of tracking users.

What to Expect

A successful login attempt will populate a global AuthenticationToken instance that provides information about the login attempt that can be used to verify the authentication on the client’s servers. Additionally, we will populate a shared Profile instance that will contain basic information including an app-scoped ID for the user, the user's name, and profile picture.


The available permissions you can request are the following:

  • public_profile
  • email
  • gaming_profile
  • gaming_user_picture
  • user_age_range
  • user_birthday
  • user_friends
  • user_gender
  • user_hometown
  • user_link
  • user_location
  • user_messenger_contact

Custom Nonces

Limited Login allows developers to pass a nonce for use in verifying an authentication attempt on their servers. For information on using the nonce to validate tokens, see Validating the Limited Login OIDC Token .


App switch, in which the login dialog is presented to the user in the Facebook for iOS app when they are already logged in there, is not supported for limited login flows.

New API Elements

The Facebook SDK for iOS provides a new FBSDKLoginTracking enumeration. The possible values are enabled and limited . For Limited Login, use limited .

 enum LoginTracking {
    case enabled
    case limited
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FBSDKLoginTracking)
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(LoginTracking); 

In addition, Limited Login uses FBSDKLoginConfiguration to modify the default behavior of a login attempt. This configuration be created with default properties, explicit properties (Swift only), or with one of several initializers:

    permissions: Set<Permission> = [],
    tracking: LoginTracking = .enabled,
    nonce: String = UUID().uuidString
 initWithPermissions:(NSArray\<NSString *> *)permissions                                                          
              nonce:(NSString *)nonce 


Property Description

requestedPermissions: Set<Permissions> (Swift)

Requested permissions for the login attempt. Defaults to an empty set.

requestedPermissions : Set<String> (ObjC)

Requested permissions for the login attempt. Defaults to an empty set.

tracking : LoginTracking

Login tracking preference. Defaults to .enabled .

nonce : String

Nonce that the configuration was created with. A unique nonce will be used if none is provided to the factory method.

Trying to create a configuration fails if the following conditions are not met:

  • Nonce must be a non-empty string that does not include whitespace.

  • You cannot request permissions that are out of the scope of the tracking. For example, requesting user_likes does not work if the tracking is .limited .

  • For the permissions you can request, see the Permissions section.

Implement Limited Login

To implement Limited Login in your app using the login manager class directly, upgrade to the latest Facebook SDK for iOS and use the following code:

 let loginManager = LoginManager()

// Ensure the configuration object is valid
guard let configuration = LoginConfiguration(
	permissions:["email", "user_friends", "user_birthday", "user_age_range", "user_gender", "user_location", "user_hometown", "user_link"],  
	tracking: .limited,
	nonce: "123"
else {

loginManager.logIn(configuration: configuration) { result in
    switch result {
    case .cancelled, .failed:
        // Handle error
    case .success:
        // getting user ID
        let userID = Profile.current?.userID

        // getting pre-populated email
        let email = Profile.current?.email

        // getting pre-populated friends list
        let friendIDs = Profile.current?.friendIDs

        // getting pre-populated user birthday
        let birthday = Profile.current?.birthday

        // getting pre-populated age range
        let ageRange = Profile.current?.ageRange

        // getting user gender
        let gender = Profile.current?.gender
        // getting user location
        let location = Profile.current?.location
        // getting user hometown
        let hometown = Profile.current?.hometown
        // getting user profile URL
        let profileURL = Profile.current?.linkURL
        // getting id token string
        let tokenString = AuthenticationToken.current?.tokenString
 FBSDKLoginManager *loginManager = [FBSDKLoginManager new];
FBSDKLoginConfiguration *configuration =
  [[FBSDKLoginConfiguration alloc] initWithPermissions:@[@"email", @"user_friends", @"user_birthday", @"user_age_range", @"user_hometown", @"user_location", @"user_gender", @"user_link"]
[loginManager logInFromViewController:self
                           completion:^(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult * result, NSError *error) {
  if (!error && !result.isCancelled) {
    // Login successful

    // getting user ID
    NSString *userID =

    // getting id token string
    NSString *idTokenString =

    // fetching pre-populated email
    NSString *email = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.email;
    // getting pre-populated friends list
    NSArray<FBSDKUserIdentifier *> *friendIDs = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.friendIDs;

    // getting pre-populated user birthday
    NSDate *birthday = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.birthday;

    // getting pre-populated age range
    FBSDKUserAgeRange *ageRange = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.ageRange;  
    // getting pre-populated age range
    FBSDKLocation *hometown = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.hometown;  
    // getting pre-populated age range
    FBSDKLocation *location = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.location;  
    // getting pre-populated age range
    NSString *gender = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.gender;  
    // getting pre-populated age range
    NSURL *userLink = FBSDKProfile.currentProfile.linkURL;  

To implement Limited Login in your app using the login button, upgrade to the latest Facebook SDK for iOS and use the following code:

 override func viewDidLoad() {

func setupLoginButton() {
    loginButton.delegate = self
    loginButton.permissions = ["email"]
    loginButton.loginTracking = .limited
    loginButton.nonce = "123" as NSString

func loginButton(
    _ loginButton: FBLoginButton,
    didCompleteWith potentialResult: LoginManagerLoginResult?,
    error potentialError: Error?
) {
    if let error = potentialError {
        // Handle Error

    guard let result = potentialResult else {
        // Handle missing result  
    guard !result.isCancelled else {
        // Handle cancellation

    // Handle successful login
    let userID = Profile.current?.userID
    let email = Profile.current?.email
    let tokenString = AuthenticationToken.current?.tokenString
 - (void)viewDidLoad
  [super viewDidLoad];

  [self setupLoginButton];
- (void)setupLoginButton
  self.loginButton.delegate = self;  
  self.loginButton.permissions = @[@"email"]
  self.loginButton.loginTracking = FBSDKLoginTrackingLimited
  self.loginButton.nonce = @"123"

- (void)    loginButton:(FBSDKLoginButton *)loginButton
  didCompleteWithResult:(FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult *)result
                  error:(NSError *)error
  if (error) {
    // Handle error

  if (result && result.isCancelled) {
    // Handle cancellation

  // Handle success
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