Jan 19, 2021 - Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

January 19, 2021

In response to Apple’s new policy, we are announcing breaking changes that will affect SDKAdNetwork, Marketing API and Ads Insights API endpoints.

To learn more about how Apple’s iOS 14 requirements will impact Facebook advertising, visit our Business Help Center articles:

SKAdNetwork Campaigns

The following changes affect all ad campaigns that target iOS 14+ excluding website applications. These changes will be enforced when Apple requires their AppTrackingTransparency prompt.

New Features

Ad campaigns that target iOS 14 must set the new is_skadnetwork_attribution field to true .

Defered Deep Linking

Deferred Deep Linking is no longer supported for the POST /{ad-id} endpoint.


Facebook will no longer be able to aggregate non-inline conversion metric values across iOS 14 and non-iOS 14 ad campaigns due to differences in attribution logic. Querying across iOS 14 and non-iOS 14 campaigns will result in no data getting returned for non-inline conversion metrics, for example, app installs and purchases. Inline event metrics like impressions, link clicks, and video views, however, can still be aggregated.

Affected Endpoints

  • GET /{ad-account-id}/insights
  • GET /{ad-id}/insights
  • GET /{ad-set-id}/insights
  • GET /{campaign-id}/insights
  • POST /{ad-account-id}/insights
  • POST /{ad-id}/insights
  • POST /{ad-set-id}/insights
  • POST /{campaign-id}/insights

Note: Because iOS 14+ campaigns rely on SKAdNetwork data and associated attribution logic, results for those campaigns can only be queried using the default or new unified attribution setting.


App Custom Audiences for inclusion targeting is no longer supported for the POST /{ad-account-id}/adsets endpoint. New iOS 14 app install campaigns will no longer be able to use app connections targeting; additional in-product guidance will suggest alternative targeting tactics.

Ad Campaigns

The following changes affect all ad campaigns regardless of computing platform.

New Features

The following changes are available January 19, 2021 and will be enforced when Apple requires their AppTrackingTransparency prompt.

A new field, conversion_domain , has been added to the POST /{ad-account-id}/ads and POST /{ad-id} endpoints. This new field:

  • stores web domains as a string
  • is mandatory for new ads optimized for conversions
  • will be auto-populated for existing ads using destination URLs
  • is required to create or update an ad in a campaign that shares data with a pixel
  • must match the domain tracked by the pixel event on the ad set level
  • does not need to match with the domain of the destination link


The following changes will go into effect when Apple enforces their AppTrackingTransparency prompt requirement.

  • POST /adaccount?fields=attribution_spec endpoint has been deprecated.
  • POST /{ad-account-id}/adsets - Mobile App Install CPA Billing will no longer be supported. The billing event cannot be App Install if the Optimization goal is App Install.


The following changes will go into effect when Apple enforces their AppTrackingTransparency prompt requirement.

These changes will result in immediate changes to your current campaign reporting, if you are not already specifying specific attribution windows.

Attribution Windows

Default values for queries that do not set action_attribution_windows when pulling results we will use 7d_click and 1d_view by default.

28d_click and 28d_view will no longer be supported values for action_attribution_windows field and will return an empty data.

The use_account_attribution_setting field will be ignored, as we will be replacing the account-level setting with a new attribution setting that can be set at the ad set level during ads creation.

New Attribution Settings Fields

We are introducing two new fields, use_unified_attribution_setting and attribution_setting , related to attribution settings that can be used in GET and POST requests to /adaccount/insights , /adcampaign/insights , /adcampaigngroup/insights , and /adgroup/insights .

The use_unified_attribution_setting field allows you to use a single period of time during which conversions are credited to ads and used to inform campaign optimization. Used with the attribution_setting of the ad object(s) being queried in your query's conversion metric attribution and campaign optimization. If set to true conversion metric values across different attribution settings cannot be aggregated.

The attribution_setting field is used to indicate which attribution setting is used by a conversion metric. The attribution setting is set at the ad set level during ads creation, and ensures the conversions our system optimizes for are the same ones you want to measure.

For queries of ad objects that are using mixed or SKAdNetwork-dependent settings, attribution_setting will return the following:

  • mixed – indicates when a campaign or account has ad sets using multiple attribution settings
  • skan – indicates when SKAdNetwork attribution setting is used for iOS 14 app install campaigns
  • na – indicates when a campaign or account doesn’t have an ad set within

Note: The attribution_setting field will return values only when use_unified_attribution_setting is set to true .

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