v7.0 - Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Version 7.0

Graph API

ReleasedMay 5, 2020 | Available untilAugust 4, 2022 | Blog post

Facebook Business Extension, v2

This change applies to all versions.

Two new fields have been added to the Facebook Business Extension, v2.

  • Ad Account ID( ad_account_id ) — Represents the ad account ID selected by the user inside FBE. This ad account can be used to manage ads if your app has ads_management permissions.

  • Catalog ID( catalog_id ) — The catalog ID selected by the user inside FBE. This ID can be used to manage their product catalog.


Hashtag Search

This change applies to v7.0+.

You can now request the timestamp field on IG Media returned by GET /{ig-hashtag-id}/top_media and GET /{ig-hashtag-id}/recent_media Hashtag Search queries. For example: GET /{ig-hashtag-id}/top_media?fields=timestamp .


Customer Chat Plugin

This change applies to v7.0+ and will apply to all versions on Nov 2, 2020.

When a new conversation is started or an existing conversation continued via the Customer Chat Plugin , the initial messaging_postbacks and messaging_referrals webhook notifications will contain an anonymous user_ref ID for the user instead of the user's Page-Scoped ID (PSID). Once the user sends a message, subsequent webhook notifications will contain the user's PSID.

Page Messenger Profiles

This change applies to v7.0+.

The home_url property on Page Messenger Profiles has been deprecated for all operations ( GET , POST , and DELETE ).

Open Graph


This change applies to v7.0 and will apply to all versions on Aug 3, 2020.


App-Scoped User IDs

These changes apply to v7.0+ and will apply to all version on May 5, 2021.

On May 1st, 2018, the Pages API began returning Page-Scoped User IDs (PSID) instead of App-Scoped User IDs (ASID) for all new apps. Apps created before this date continued to receive ASIDs unless they opted-in to receive PSIDs. All apps will now receive PSIDs from the Pages API.

The Page-Scoped ID API allows you to map ASIDs to their PSID equivalents. The API is deprecated in v7.0+, but can be used with older versions until May 5th, 2021.


These changes apply to v7.0+ and will apply to all versions on Aug 3, 2020.

The following endpoints are deprecated:


The manage_pages permission has been deprecated and replaced with 4 new permissions:

The publish_pages permission has been deprecated and replaced with 2 new permissions:

Apps that have already been approved for manage_pages or publish_pages , or both, will be migrated to the new permissions by June 1, 2020.

For apps that have been submitted but not yet reviewed for manage_pages or publish_pages , or both, the review process will continue as normal. Once approved, apps will be migrated to the new permissions by June 1, 2020.

To apply, or resubmit, for Page permissions before June 1, 2020, select the permissions you see in your app dashboard, either manage_pages or publish_pages , or both, or the new permissions. Your app will automatically be migrated to the new permissions by June 1, 2020, if necessary.

After June 1, 2020, manage_pages and publish_pages will no longer be available in the App Review> Permissions and Featuresselection in the App Dashboard.

The manage_pages and publish_pages permissions will be fully deprecated in May of 2022. Changes to your code must be applied before this date.


Please visit the iOS SDK Changelog and the Android SDK Changelog to learn of important upcoming changes to these SDKs.



These changes apply to v7.0+ and will apply to all versions on Aug 3, 2020.

The following endpoints are deprecated:

Marketing API

ReleasedMay 5, 2020 | Available untilMarch 3, 2021 | Blog post

Ad Campaigns

Campaign Budget Optimization

This change applies to v7.0+.

For a specific ad campaign, you can no longer set both lifetime_budget and spend_cap at the same time. You can only select lifetime_budget .

A campaign lifetime budget is spread out over the course of your campaign. When you use lifetime_budget at the campaign level, the spend cap information is already included. Therefore, there is no reason to add a second spend cap.

You can continue using spend_cap for campaigns not using Campaign Budget Optimization .

Special Ad Category

This change applies to v7.0+.

The special_ad_category parameter on the POST /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/campaigns endpoint has been deprecated and replaced with a new special_ad_categories parameter.

The new special_ad_categories parameter is requiredand accepts an array. If you get the special_ad_category parameter, it will still return a string, but you should use GET /{campaign-id}?fields=special_ad_categories to get an array back.

For details, see Special Ad Category .

Learn more about Special Ad Categories, Ads Help Center .


This change applies to v7.0+.

The budget_rebalance_flag parameter has been deprecated. We recommend that you use Campaign Budget Optimization instead.

Atlas Ad Campaigns


This change applies to v7.0+.

  • GET /{atlas-ad-campaign-id}/cumulative_edited_date

Product Catalog


This change applies to v7.0+.

The cpas_parent_catalog_settings parameter on the POST /PRODUCT_CATALOG_ID edge is deprecated for third-party apps.

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