IG Media - Instagram Platform - Documentation - Meta for Developers

IG Media

Beginning June 3, 2024, you can use the boost_eligibility_info field as a convenient and efficient way to determine whether media is eligible to be boosted as an ad and boost_ads_list to trace past boost Instagram ad information related to the ad. See the blog for more information.

Represents an Instagram album, photo, or video (uploaded video, live video, video created with the Instagram TV app, reel, or story).


This operation is not supported.


GET /{ig-media-id}

Gets fields and edges on IG media.


  • Fields that return aggregated values don't include ads-driven data. For example, comments_count counts comments on a photo, but not comments on ads that contain that photo.
  • Captions don't include the @ symbol unless the app user is also able to perform Admin-equivalent tasks on the app.
  • Some fields, such as permalink , cannot be used on photos within albums (children).
  • Instagram TV media must be shared to Instagram at the time of publish ( Post a Previewor Share Preview to Feedenabled) in order to be accessible via the API.
  • Live video IG Media can only be read while they are being broadcast.


Type Description

Access Tokens

User .



If the app user was granted a role on the Page via the Business Manager, you also need one of the following:

ads_management business_management

Request Syntax

GET https://graph.facebook.com/{api-version}/{ig-media-id}

Path Parameters

Placeholder Value


API version .


Required.IG Media ID.

Query String Parameters

Key Placeholder Value



Required.App user's user access token .



Comma-separated list of fields you want returned.


Public fields can be read via field expansion.



Offers an overview of all Instagram ad information associated with the organic media. It includes relative ad ID and ad delivery status.


The field provides information about boosting eligibility of a IG instagram media as an ad and additional details if not eligible.

caption Public

Caption. Excludes album children. The @ symbol is excluded, unless the app user can perform admin-equivalent tasks on the Facebook Page connected to the Instagram account used to create the caption.

comments_count Public

Count of comments on the media. Excludes comments on album child media and the media's caption. Includes replies on comments.


Returns status and matches_found objects

status objects


  • completed – the detection process has finished
  • error – an error occurred during the detection process
  • in_progress – the detection process is ongoing
  • not_started – the detection process has not started


Set to one of the following:

  • false if the video does not violatecopyright,
  • true if the video does violatecopyright

If a video is violating copyright, the copyright_matches is returned with an array of objects about the copyrighted material, when the violation is occurring in the video, and the actions take to mitigate the violation.

copyright_matches objects


the author of the copyrighted video


the name of the copyrighted video


An array of objects with the following key-value pairs: * duration_in_seconds – the number of seconds the content violates copyright * segment_type – either AUDIO or VIDEO * start_time_in_seconds – set to the start time of the video


Objects returned include:

  • name – The name for the copyright owners' policy
  • actions – An array of action objects with the mitigations steps taken defined by the copyright owner's policy. May include different mitigations steps for different locations.

    • action – The mitigation action taken against the video violating copyright. Different mitigation steps can be taken for different countries. Can be one of the following values:
      • BLOCK – The video is blocked from the audiences listed in the geos array
      • MUTE - The video is muted for audiences listed in the geos array

id Public

Media ID.

ig_id Public

Instagram media ID. Used with Legacy Instagram API, now deprecated. Use id instead.


Indicates if comments are enabled or disabled. Excludes album children.

is_shared_to_feed Public

For Reels only. When true , indicates that the reel can appear in both the Feedand Reelstabs. When false , indicates that the reel can only appear in the Reelstab.

Neither value determines whether the reel actually appears in the Reelstab because the reel may not meet eligibilty requirements or may not be selected by our algorithm. See reel specifications for eligibility critera.


Count of likes on the media, including replies on comments. Excludes likes on album child media and likes on promoted posts created from the media.

If queried indirectly through another endpoint or field expansion:

  • v10.0 and older calls:The value is 0 if the media owner has hidden like counts.
  • v11.0+ calls:The like_count field is omitted if the media owner has hidden like counts.

media_product_type Public

Surface where the media is published. Can be AD , FEED , STORY or REELS .

media_type Public

Media type. Can be CAROUSEL_ALBUM , IMAGE , or VIDEO .

media_url Public

The URL for the media.

The media_url field is omitted from responses if the media contains copyrighted material or has been flagged for a copyright violation. Examples of copyrighted material can include audio on reels.

owner Public

Instagram user ID who created the media. Only returned if the app user making the query also created the media; otherwise, username field is returned instead.

permalink Public

Permanent URL to the media.

shortcode Public

Shortcode to the media.

thumbnail_url Public

Media thumbnail URL. Only available on VIDEO media.

timestamp Public

ISO 8601 -formatted creation date in UTC (default is UTC ±00:00).

username Public

Username of user who created the media.

video_title Public

Deprecated. Omitted from response.


Public edges can be returned through field expansion.

Edge Description

children Public.

Represents a collection of IG Media objects on an album IG Media .


Represents a list of users who are added as collaborators on an IG Media object.


Represents a collection of IG Comments on an IG Media object.


Represents social interaction metrics on an IG Media object.

cURL Example


curl -X GET \
  'https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 


  "id": "17918920912340654",
  "media_type": "IMAGE",
  "media_url": "https://sconten...",
  "owner": {
    "id": "17841405309211844"
  "timestamp": "2019-09-26T22:36:43+0000"


POST /{ig-media-id}

Enable or disable comments on an IG Media.


Live video IG Media not supported.


Type Description

Access Tokens

User .



If the app user was granted a role on the Page via the Business Manager, you also need one of the following:

ads_management business_management

Request Syntax

POST https://graph.facebook.com/{api-version}/{ig-media-id}

Path Parameters

Placeholder Value


API version .


Required.IG Media ID.

Query String Parameters

Key Placeholder Value



Required.App user's user access token .



Required.Set to true to enable comments or false to disable comments.

cURL Example


curl -i -X POST \
 "https://graph.facebook.com/ v20.0 


  "success": true


This operation is not supported.

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