Flexible Targeting - Marketing API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Flexible Targeting

Combine or exclude different targeting options to reach a specific set of users in the flexible_spec with AND and OR statements. Facebook evaluates targeting in flexible_spec via AND with all segments outside the spec such as age, gender, geo locations. We also evaluate each top level array element in flexible_spec with AND ; we evaluate second-level array elements with OR .

Targeting segments, such as behaviors specified inside flexible_spec , are not available for use outside of flexible_spec .

Available Fields

Specify flexible_spec and exclusions as follows:

Field Description


type: JSON Object

Array of arrays. Each contains a targeting segment in appropriate format, such as interests, behaviors, and demographics. The top level array has a limit of 25 and secondary level array has a limit of 1,000.


type: JSON Object

Contains a targeting segment in its appropriate format, such as interests, behaviors, and demographics ("education", "life events", "work").

Use these fields in flexible targeting:

  • custom_audiences
  • interests
  • behaviors
  • college_years
  • education_majors
  • education_schools
  • education_statuses
  • family_statuses
  • income
  • industries
  • life_events
  • user_adclusters
  • work_positions
  • work_employers


Flexible Targeting

To target people who live in the U.S, aged between 18-43, who have notrecently moved andare travelers or like soccer or movies andare newlyweds or like music:

curl \
  -F 'name=My AdSet' \
  -F 'optimization_goal=REACH' \
  -F 'billing_event=IMPRESSIONS' \
  -F 'bid_amount=150' \
  -F 'daily_budget=2000' \
  -F 'campaign_id=<CAMPAIGN_ID>' \
  -F 'targeting={ 
    "age_max": 43, 
    "age_min": 18, 
    "exclusions": { 
      "relationship_statuses": [1,3], 
      "life_events": [{"id":6003054185372,"name":"Recently moved"}] 
    "flexible_spec": [ 
        "behaviors": [{"id":6002714895372,"name":"Frequent Travelers"}], 
        "interests": [ 
          {"id":6003107902433,"name":"Association football (Soccer)"}, 
        "interests": [{"id":6003020834693,"name":"Music"}], 
        "life_events": [{"id":6002714398172,"name":"Newlywed (1 year)"}] 
    "geo_locations": {"countries":["US"]} 
  }' \
  -F 'status=ACTIVE' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \

With this flexible spec, the resulting audience is:

(segment 1 or segment2 or segment3) and(segment 4 or segment 5) andsegment 6

    'segment_type':[segment1, segment2], 
    'segment_type':[segment4, segment5]

Flexible Targeting With Exclusions

For example, create an audience who lives in the U.S, aged 20-24, who have notrecently moved andare travelers or like soccer or movies andare newlyweds or like music:

  'countries': ['US'], 
'flexible_spec': [ 
    'behaviors':[{'id':6002714895372,'name':'Frequent Travelers'},], 
      {'id':6003107902433,'name':'Association football (Soccer)'}, 
      {'id':6003139266461, 'name': 'Movies'},],  
    'life_events':[{'id': 6002714398172, 'name': 'Newlywed (1 year)'}],
'exclusions': { 
  'life_events':[{'id':6003054185372,'name':'Recently moved'},], 

The targeting spec for this ad set:

  "targeting": { 
    "age_min": 20, 
    "age_max": 24,
    "exclusions": {
      "life_events": [
          "id": "6003054185372", 
          "name": "Recently moved"
    "flexible_spec": [
        "interests": [
            "id": "6003107902433", 
            "name": "Association football (Soccer)"
            "id": "6003139266461", 
            "name": "Movies"
        "behaviors": [
            "id": "6002714895372", 
            "name": "Frequent Travelers"
        "interests": [
            "id": "6003020834693", 
            "name": "Music"
        "life_events": [
            "id": "6002714398172", 
            "name": "Newlywed (1 year)"
    "geo_locations": {
      "countries": [
  "id": "6015417075447"
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