Create, Retrieve and Update - Business Management APIs - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Create, Retrieve and Update a System User

If this is the first time you create a system user, you do not yet have a admin system user token. Start by getting a real admin user's access token in Business Manager .


Use your admin system user token or your own admin user's access token to create a system user.

Note:A system user can only be granted a role on an app if both the system user and the app belong to the same business. If your app needs to access data using a system user and access token belonging to another business, use the Business On Behalf Of API instead.

Here are the requests you need to get a system user token and make API calls. The first three steps are setup you can also do in Business Manager . When you create your first system user, you use the access token of a real user, who is an admin of the business manager.

Create Admin System User and Generate Token

  1. Create an admin system user with your own admin user access token.
  2. Install the app with the admin system user using the access token of the admin user.
  3. Generate the admin system usertoken using the access token of the admin user.

Create system user

  1. Create a system user using the admin user's access token.
  2. Or, create a system user using the access token of an admin system user of your business manager, if you created one.

Generate System User's Access Token

  1. Install the app with the system user using the access token from: admin user, admin system user, or another system user.
  2. Assign permission to assets (such as ad accounts, Pages) belonging to your Business Manager. Permissions should be assigned to the newly created system user using the access token from: admin user or admin system user.
  3. Generate the system user access token using the access token of the admin user, or admin system user.
  4. Now, use the system user access token to make API calls on business assets.

To create a system user or admin system user via API, you need:

  • An access token: of an admin user, or admin system user for this Business Manager
  • Name: identifier of this system user or admin system user

To create a system user, make a POST request:

curl \
-F "name=Ad Server" \
-F "role=EMPLOYEE" \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

This returns the app-scoped id of the new system user:

  "id" : "100000008899900"

This is the app-scoped ID for a system user. You should use it to make API calls, not the canonical ID in Business Manager > System Users .


To get the list of system users, you need an admin user or admin system user access token. The list includes admin system users, and their app-scoped IDs .

Make a GET request:

curl "https://graph.facebook.com/<API_VERSION>/<BUSINESS_ID>/system_users?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>>"

This returns a list of all system users, including admin system users, owned by a Business Manager:

  "data": [
      "id": "1000081799813",
      "name": "Reporting server"
      "role": "ADMIN",


You can change the name of a system user or admin system user:

curl \
-F "system_user_id=<APP_SCOPED_SYSTEM_USER_ID>" \
-F "name=FBX Server" \
-F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

Invalidate Access Tokens

You cannot delete a system user or admin system user, but you can invalidate all access tokens for that user. Invalidate tokens by sending a DELETE request to:


The response returns true , if the call is successful. After that, you can generate new access tokens for the system user , as seen above.

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