Permissions are a form of granular, user-granted Graph API authorization. Before your app can use an endpoint to access an app user's data, the app user must grant your app all permissions required by that endpoint.
You may also use any permission granted to your app to request analytics insights to improve your app and for marketing or advertising purposes, through the use of aggregated and de-identified or anonymized information (provided such data cannot be re-identified).
and public_profile
if your app needs access to data that you do not own or manageWhen users log onto your app, they receive a request to grant the permissions your app has requested. Users can grant or deny the requested permissions or any subset of them.
If your app does not use a permission for 90 days, usually due to user inactivity, the app user must regrant your app that permission.
You can use the app dashboard to remove a permission your app no longer uses or to remove a permission that has been deprecated.
To use certain permissions when your app goes live, your app must also be approved for additional permissions. These dependent permissions must have been approved either during the same app review submission or a in previous submission.
Permission | Dependent on |