
Achieving a 3.2X boost in customer service agent response times with Messenger API for Instagram


Comfortable unmentionables

Founded in 2011, underwear and loungewear brand MeUndies aims to fuel “authentic self-expression” with its products, which are designed with comfort, body positivity and creativity in mind. As many of the brand’s customers are active on Instagram, the platform is a crucial part of its growth and requires a dedicated, personalized customer care strategy.


staff-hours per month saved after launching Messenger API for Instagram [*]


3.2X boost in average first-response times (achieved within two months of Sprout’s Smart Inbox integration) [*]


Streamlining conversations with customers

MeUndies’ customer service team responded to inbound Instagram direct messages via a web browser, which was an inefficient and confusing process as there was no way to organize or track conversations. The intimate-wear brand needed a solution that could consolidate all its messaging channels to boost agent productivity and response times, and serve customers faster.


An Instagram-first communication strategy

MeUndies partnered with social media management company Sprout Social to test Messenger API for Instagram, a solution that streamlines direct messages, comments, and Story mentions on Instagram into Messenger, making it easier to see, track, and respond to customers contacting a brand via Instagram.

Using Sprout’s customer relationship management platform and solutions, the MeUndies customer service team could answer people faster and more efficiently, and provide personalized service by viewing the customer’s message history with the brand. The team could also direct customers to an agent who had previously engaged with them and tag conversations with important information for later review, as well as calculate important operational metrics, such as its agents’ average response times.


Greater business efficiency

With Messenger API for Instagram and Sprout’s Smart Inbox integration, the MeUndies customer experience team was able to streamline its messaging channels, respond faster to customers reaching out via Instagram, and dedicate more time to provide a high-quality customer service experience. Since February 2021, the intimates brand has learned that 24% of its inbound Instagram volume came from direct messages and has seen the following results:

  • 12 staff-hours per month saved after launching Messenger API for Instagram*
  • 3.2X boost in average first-response times (achieved within two months of Sprout’s Smart Inbox integration)*
All results are self-reported and not identically repeatable. Generally expected individual results will differ.

“Integrating Messenger API for Instagram and Sprout’s Smart Inbox have been instrumental in elevating our entire customer service experience and have provided us with the missing link we needed for our all-inclusive customer care strategy. By meeting customers on a platform they use frequently, we have been able to provide them with a unique, high-quality experience from start to end.”

TK Lynch
Social Media Support Coordinator, MeUndies

“It is crucial for social media-savvy brands such as MeUndies to master customer communications on Instagram. With our Smart Inbox integration and the Messenger API for Instagram, MeUndies has seen a great boost in productivity, with multiple agents handling large volumes of customer queries on a daily basis. Now, the brand can effortlessly and consistently deliver personalized, high-quality customer service.”

Andrew Caravella
Vice President of Global Partnerships at Sprout Social

Messenger API for Instagram

Integrating with existing tools and data, the Messenger API for Instagram makes managing high volumes of customer messages easier--helping to turn conversations into business outcomes.

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