How does Facebook use my information to show suggestions in People You May Know?

People You May Know can help you and your friends connect with other people on Facebook. People You May Know suggestions may show you people you might want to add as a friend who you haven’t seen on Facebook yet or who may be new to Facebook.
People You May Know suggestions can be friends of friends, people in your network or people you may have something in common with.
What information does Facebook use to show suggestions in People You May Know?
People You May Know suggests people you might be likely to add as a friend on Facebook. Friend suggestions come from things like:
Having friends in common.
Your profile information and networks (example: your current city, school or work).
Your Facebook activity (example: joining groups or being tagged in the same photo or post).
Contacts you or someone you may know uploaded to Facebook or Messenger.
If you upload your contacts through the Facebook app, learn how to manage contact uploading . If someone has uploaded their contacts and it includes your mobile phone number or email address, you may show up as friend suggestions for each other.
For more information, please see our notice on contact uploading for Non-Users.
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