Names on Facebook on mobile browsers is in the process of being updated. See more
To make sure people know who they're connecting with, we ask everyone to use the same name on Facebook that they use in everyday life. We may ask you to confirm that the name on your Facebook account is the name you're known by.
Confirming your name
If you see a message when you log in asking you to confirm your name, you may be temporarily unable to access certain Facebook features while we work with you to confirm or edit the name on your account.
To confirm or edit your name, log in to your Facebook account and follow the on-screen instructions. You may be asked to upload an ID or something else from our ID list (ex: membership cards, mail) that shows the name you use in everyday life.
Acceptable IDs

Types of IDs that Facebook accepts

Using your name on Facebook
We understand that the name you use in everyday life might be different from your legal name. We want you to be able to use the name you most identify with on your Facebook profile.

Names allowed on Facebook

Which name to use on Facebook when you're in the process of changing your name

Edit a language-specific name on Facebook

What you can do if you have one name instead of a first and last name

Changing your name or adding additional names
You can also change your name or add additional names (ex: nickname, maiden name) to your profile. Keep in mind that you can't change your name more than once in 60 days.

How to change your name on Facebook

How you can add another name (example: nickname, maiden name) to your Facebook account

Reasons why you can't change your name on Facebook

Managing your privacy
If you're concerned about using your name on Facebook, we have tools that can help you manage what information people can see about you.

Public information on Facebook

Control who can see what's on your Facebook Profile

Edit information on your Facebook profile and choose who can see it

How to see the public view of your Facebook profile

How do I control who can see my email on my Facebook profile?

Adjust who can see your Friends section on Facebook

How to block someone's profile on Facebook

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