How can I give feedback about the ads I see on Facebook? on mobile browsers is in the process of being updated. See more
If you’re in the European Region , your ad choices are different. Learn more about your ad choices .
There are a few ways to give us feedback about the ads you see on Facebook. Giving us feedback will impact which ads we show you in the future. To give us feedback:
Tell us more about what you like. Liking Pages and adding things you like to your profile (example: movies, bands, sports teams) will help us show you more relevant ads.
Hide ads you don’t like.
Answer, “Was this information useful?” if an explanation is confusing when using the “Why am I seeing this ad?" tool.
Adjust your ad preferences. To learn about the information Facebook is using to show you ads and choose which preferences influence the ads you see, adjust your ad preferences .
Update your Activity information from ad partners in your ad preferences . Learn more about how to adjust how ads are shown to you based on your activity on and off Meta technologies.
Review and manage the information businesses and organizations share with us about your activity on websites or apps off Meta technologies, in your Activity off Meta technologies setting . You can also opt out from all participating companies through the Digital Advertising Alliance in the USA, the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada in Canada, or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe, or opt out using your mobile device settings.
Report an ad. When you report an ad, it is subjected to our ad review system. That process relies on automated tools, and in some cases manual review, to check ads against our Advertising Policies . When we detect a violation of our policies, we will remove the ad. We continuously review ads on our platform based on many signals, including user feedback, to improve the integrity and relevance of advertising on Facebook.
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