Customer data shared with sellers who use checkout on Facebook

For items purchased with checkout that require shipping , the seller may receive the following information that may be used for order fulfillment, advertising and analytics purposes:
Buyer's first and last name
Email address
The delivery address entered at checkout
Purchase info, including the items you purchased, the price of the items and any other info required to complete the order
Sellers only receive this information after the buyer places an order and the seller accepts an order from a buyer.
About Payment Information
Please keep in mind that:
When using checkout , no one can see your whole credit card number or PayPal password on Facebook after you enter it, even with your password.
Only you can see your payment and transaction history. Your activity, such as payments or purchases, will not be shared with your friends or to your profile or feed, unless you choose to share it.
We use encryption to protect your payments and keep your credentials secure. Learn more about how Facebook protects your payment information . You can also add or remove a payment method from your Facebook account.
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