Android App on mobile browsers is in the process of being updated. See more

How do I find the latest version of the Facebook app and upgrade?

What operating systems are supported by the Facebook app?

How do I adjust my mobile push notifications from Facebook?

I'm having trouble installing the latest version of the Facebook for Android app.

Why is the Facebook app requesting permission to access features on my Android?

I'm having trouble with the Facebook for Android app.

How do I uninstall the Facebook app from my phone or tablet?

Manage contact uploading with the Facebook app

What is the Facebook for Android Beta Program and how do I test it?

How do I turn automatic app updates on or off for Facebook for Android?

I'm having trouble downloading the latest beta version of the Facebook for Android app.

How do I know if I’m already testing the beta version of Facebook for Android?

How do I stop using the beta version of Facebook for Android?

What is the Facebook for Android Alpha Program and how do I test it?

How do I stop using the alpha version of Facebook for Android?

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