Mark an item as sold on Facebook Marketplace

You can mark your listing on Marketplace as
If you're selling with shipping and checkout , you must mark your item as shipped and enter a tracking number in order to get paid.
When you purchase a prepaid shipping label on Marketplace, the order is automatically marked as shipped and the tracking number is added to the order.
Mark as Shipped

How to Mark as Shipped

After you ship the item, make sure to answer any questions from the buyer about the order. Learn more about the policies and best practices for selling items with shipping and checkout.
Mark as Sold
You can mark a listing as sold when the sale is complete.
After you mark the listing as sold:
It won't be visible to anyone else on Marketplace.
All buyers who messaged you about the item will get a message saying that the item has been sold.
You’ll get a message asking if you want to archive the conversation about the listing.

How to Mark as Sold

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